Help with uS/cm buffer

Hello everyone. Too many people to name but I’m struggling trying to find a 718uS/cm buffing solution to calibrate my tds meter. I’ve refined the search and spent scrolling on Amazon but I cannot for the life of me find the stuff. Every search result on Google points me in the direction of offering ph buffers. Any suggestions will be appreciated. The 5 in 1 meter didn’t come with any tds buffers and requires two different steps to calibrate. I found the 1413uS/cm on Amazon but am fruitless with finding the 718uS/cm…thanks everyone for your help.

Can you try the 800 buffer solutions? They also make a 1500. I see combos on ebay.

What does your 5-in-one look like

Not sure what you’re using your TDS pen for. If it’s for cannabis growing keep in mind you want the EC solution that’s closest to your reading needs.

We generally feed at 1200 - 1600 EC when feeding and mixing or nutrients…

We try to obtain and maintain 2000EC runoff.

This means the closest solution to calibrate would be 1413 us/cm.

If whatever you’re using your pen for has the need for 718us/cm then please continue your search and disregard this post

I don’t know if this will help you or not