Help with grow setup

How they look? Are big leaves turning down a little a problem


You need domes on them or a humidifier the humidity is too low for that age


@Carol4486 is absolutely correct. Humidity is pretty low for that stage. You can use a dome, or even a couple plastic bottles to cover them.

Aside from that, 82°F and 45% RH do not line up well on the cannabis Vapor Pressure Deficit chart.

When the deficit is too high (VPD), the plant needs to draw extra moisture from the roots. At a young age, when roots aren’t fully developed, it can be dangerous to the plant’s survival. On the other hand, if the deficit is too low, it can cause moisture on the leaves, and possibly mold. The chart above is a good vegetative reference for proper VPD.


I’ve been looking for the VPD chart with F AND C on it. Stolen, thanks!


Lmao! I stole it from here somewhere, so consider it an overdue book return. Lol


Yeah; every time I look at degrees centigrade I go: "Okay, 21C equals that times 1.8 plus 32 and that’s when I say XXXX it and guess haha.

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Yeah. It’s pretty counterproductive that we have so many different systems of measurement.

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It’s about time the whole world went metric.

Could someone give me the link I to the chart so I can print it? I got a humidifier on the way!

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Depends on where you live. Tried switching some stuff a few years back caused mass confusion here in US.:exploding_head:

You should just be able to download the image to your computer from this site, by right clicking your mouse over the image. If you are using a phone, you can just long press on the image to download it.

I don’t have the link, but if you search ‘cannabis vpd chart’ in Google images, it is one of the first images that pops up.

Looking better now. Still have a little to go. Plants look good to me. What do you all think?

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I don’t do all this stuff mentioned and my plants do just fine. No…pH, dome and transplants. I’m pretty confident at my growing skills.

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@jcasey I think you’ll be fine. They looked pretty good before, it’s just good to stay on top of things. When VPD is lined up, that’s one less thing to worry about.

@MrPeat I will never question your grows. I’ve seen what you are capable of, and your plants always look really good. Personally though, I’ve had really bad luck when I neglect to test pH and runoff. I end up chasing my own tail trying to fix problems. Perhaps when I get a little better at this, I won’t need to worry so much about it.

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@Jza444 Oh I understand what you mean. I’m guessing my water is at the perfect pH or I’d have a lot of problems to attend to. Like I knew our water was chlorinated and seemed to be clear like water should be.

But our water is actually brown out of the tap and very chlorinated. Water filter took care of both problems.

But everyone has different experiences growing and this forum helps us share our experiences with other growers. :+1::+1::+1:

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Absolutely on the experiences thing. Fun to see how everyone else does things. Always gives me great ideas moving forward. Fortunately cannabis plants will grow under almost any condition.

I just clicked on it, saved it and printed it.

Here’s what a little humidity will do!! Just two days with humidifier. When should I top and put in bigger pots? I plan to put in another QB 260 then.

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Any concern about yellow around edges of leaves? These have really took off with the humidifier.

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Pic above is when they woke up. Temps are usually mid 80s