Humidity and temperature

Humidity and temperature levels throughout the grow tent. Anyone have a chart on this? Thank you.


Funny…I just posted this for someone else. LOL


I truly appreciate this I’ll download it and study. Gosh thank you


When Using VPD there are different charts depending on the
Leaf to ambient temp difference this variable should be used
to find the Correct calculated chart and the exact numbers to use
for best results


Here is another one.


@67N that’s an intriguing statement.

Can you elaborate on that?

Are you saying that there are different charts as in different recommendations for correct VPD, in cannabis, for different types of cannabis?
Can you provide some detail/links.

Because I’m well aware of VPD charts but to my knowledge they don’t differ in the recommendations, of course different stages have different recommendations but the stages are listed in the VPD charts often.

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Thank you very much. I’m learning. My first grow went great, this one is giving me problems.

Yes the Leaf to Ambient air temp is a MAJOR variable when it comes to the charts
The best reading would be a -3 deg f difference for the leaf to ambient. NEVER a plus

Not sure if the chart I will be including will show what I mean but notice
the ADJUSTABLE Variables ( C or F, Veg OR Flower, and leaf temp difference)
Its a very nice chart that can be set using these variables and will produce the correct
cart using the math.

Please ignore the colors and lines I added on my own they were actually used to
zero in my best temps in VEG but when I updated it to flower the colors and lines
stayed in the old locations


Hmm I’m finally learning something new today!
Very interesting, where do I get a copy of that chart?
I also have google sheets
I’m in C and adjusting it is ideal. I think the colors is a very helpful addition as well

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Ops that was a bit confusing the COLORS in the center of the chart are correct
I was referring to the colors I added at the top in the RH line and Left side on the temp line

BTW When I copied the chart I did not center it so its not showing the temp side
Could not edit above so here is a better centered photo

Pulse Labs provides the downloadable/adjustable chart

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I just did a screenshot of it.

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Gosh. Thank you. thank you

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Just read it, time to buy an IR temp sensor.

@Gleaf I’m well aware of that chart and but @67N and pulse labs point out a very important factor. No one chart will work for one person, you need to get an IR temp sensor and find the difference between leaf temp and ambient temp to input it into a VPD chart for an accurate chart.
The cooling effect of the plants temperature needs to be taken into account otherwise your just blindly guessing


Hi I just started growing so I’m new to all of this been reading up as much as I can anyway cant seem to figure out what to do about my problem… I have a 6 inch inline duct fan pulling in fresh air… during the day it stays 70+ but at night temps drop way down to 40 degrees where I live and last night my grow room got down to 50 degrees almost until I put a small heater in there to combat the cold anyway is there anything I can do other than run a heater everynight or any other option for air flow and c02 take in account it’s in my house and where I live I need to be as discreet as possible… thanks in advance for anyone who can help


Your taking it off topic man.


You can grow plants easy but maximizing them and playing God perfectly is a science and exact details matter.


Binned at your request!

You know its funny, I specifically try to keep my plants as small as I can, and grow as slowly as possible throughout the winter. I use the environment to do that. You can create a barely comfy environment to slow progress. That is one place VPD really shines. If you are growing moms all winter in a small space for summer plantings, then you can use VPD to your advantage.


Ohh valid point!

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