Help with adding light

New grower. I have one 4ft vegatative led light on now. 24-7 which is not recommended I found out. I have also a led bar for flowering. Can I add the flowering bulb now? And can I go to 18 hour cycle safely without the plant turning hermaphrodite?


Welcome aboard, thats alot of subject matter for one thread to keep uncluttered.

Lots of subject matter in areas of grows, equipment threads and styles to be read that might aide in future questions.

Most young peeps wouldnt think Vikings and Bud Grant days.

Am i close?

@PurplePeopleEater444 welcome aboard this fun canna family forum.


Exactly my friend!!! Miss the ole boy!!!


Fran and Roger, true scramblers. Miss those days. Old Cowboy here.

Of course …lol long time rivals…go figure.
Good ol dorsett. Then of course one of the biggest running back trades that had us up in arms.

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Ok here is a long time question dispute amongst some…water leaves/sucker leaves.
Trim them off after leaf growth at node, or leave them on until they discolor?

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I only remove a few large fan leaves here and there. The leaves are very important in the plants evolution.


Tuck the big fan leafs down if possible. you can cut a finger off For better air flow or light penetration. Also as @Mosca mentioned It is not a deal breaker to take a few along the way. Welcome to the community ! :v:

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@PurplePeopleEater444. Your original question on lights.

Your okay vegging your plants under 18 hr light. Your overall height of tent should dictate how tall you allow plants to get. No hermies.

If you would like certain areas, lights nutes, etc, covered, i know alot of the subject matter experts to tag for ya.

We love seeing people grow they’re own.


Lots of peeps remove alot of vegitation, some call it defoiliation.
Some prefer to train their plants, this opens the plant up for max light penatration and airflow. All methods have proven to grow great smoke.

I have bent and tied down my girls with good success.

Learning to train will result in great success.
Thats my next challenge if i want bigger yields.

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Training, cloning, curing, so much to learn, beyond seed dropped.
Weed, the final frontier!!

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I see your avitar, reminds me havent seen @Deepsix in awhile.

Welcome to the community. I am thinking with your username you’re a fellow Minnesotan???

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Oops…ok. I’ll just let it be elnatural. Thank you.

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Ya, You Betcha! Thank you. I’ll be that guy…just so you know…
You know that guy…that asks all sorts of questions instead of reading everything…lol
Heck took me a day to figure out how to post…lol


Hmmm. I got an avatar??? :rofl:

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Training, bending them now. Cloning is next. I’ve cloned about every tomato plant I plant in the garden and or give away, so that should be fairly easy. Yes it’s a great, grand adventure!!! I love it!!!


Thank you! :sunglasses:
Duly noted. I kinda defoiled all my sucker leaves. About every one…oops …I also added another light bar. Idk, I’m kinda afraid to take it off the 24 hour cycle it’s been on. I don’t want to shock it and make it go morph on me.


Spent about 600.oo initially on light, seeds, and nutes. We grow in rv shower stall. 2 plants is tight. We bought HLG 300L.

Consider we paid about 200.oo every 3 wks for low grade dispensary from our connection. Crappy dispo weed that has been tumbled for kief then sold at 60.oo an oz.

First harvest, 90 day autos paid for that over and over. Electric bill didnt notice.

6 grows now, all better than anything bought.

The advise given to me when i showed up.

We did.

Get good light and good genetics. :+1:


Take into consideration your plant will double in size when flipped to 12/12 light cycle to begin flowering stage.