I am confused whether this plant is a male or female this plant is around 9 weeks old it first showed only white haor and now its showing both white hair and tiny buds like structure please refer to the pic and help me
Any chance you can zoom in more?
Hope this helps. Looks like it might be a boy.
@Hawkeye_diesel just had to cut down a boy and his eyes are younger @Countryboyjvd1971 doesn’t have his glasses and I know how much he loves male MJ plants.
Mhmm, Mayne give it another couple days, it was showin pistils? And now it’s just growin the little round growths…
Yess it was showng white hair on it and there were no signs of any round growths suddenly its showing it after 9weeks
I’d give it a few more days to see what happens but
@bob31 is right I love killing males
i have uploaded 3 parts of my plant the middle part shows white hair that is turning brown red the top 2 nodes show these seeds like structure and i have also attached the picture of the top most node which shows white hair help
Can you get a closer picture of the sacks
Where the balls are forming ?
Like others have said, I think I’d wait before doing anything drastic. If they are male, you have some time before pollen will form.
Agreed I would wait a little bit longer before I did anything but I’m sharpening my knives lol just in case
It’s a boy. Look at that giant flower pod.
Tiiiiiiimmmber! lol
My condolences.
Why is that its showing signs of white hair aswell i am a new grower that is the reason i am troubling you expert guys😆
These guys here are trying very gently prepare you for the bad news…
But I think that you have male plant or at least plant with some male flowers…
It is unfortunate I know…sorry !!
Just play some James brown, usually does the trick.
Boys i cant see any more growth of does pods like structure(male flowers)
This is how my plant is right now
I’m sorry but you have a boy in my opinion see what they think but first time I seen your post is now first pic looks like a set of nuts to me sorry for your boy but he is healthy 100% Sativa