Hello everyone. Thanks again for all the previous help. Not sure I could do any of this without all you. I’m about to start my grow in the next few days. I have 7 northern lights auto. My tent is a 2x2x4. Everyone on here has recommended that I do just 1 plant with a tent that size but is there a way to pick out 1 seed that may have the looks of a Maybe successful seed? Anything to look for while trying to pick one out? Or do a couple and see which ones crack/root the best? I don’t want to throw out any lol Two of the seeds are a dark brownish/blackish color. I’m going to attach a pic just in case there’s anything to look for. It’s the closest I can take without it being super blurry. Thanks again fam!
They all look good to me. Pick one and see where it goes! You could likely do fine with 2 plants in your tent especially since they are autos. That gives each 2x2 space.
Close your eyes
Grab at pile
Get a seed in fingers
BooM Best Seed EVER !!!
Welcome to the forums.
It’s my first grow ever lol I have two 5 gallon fabric pots that came in today
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Lol that’s what I’m most likely going to do and thank you
I like the one in the middle.
Thank you!
@CannaNewbie the darkest one on the bottom middle there looks big and fat like a female wanting to get planted in the enriched super soil you have happy growing buddy we are all here for you I’m first time grower to I have bagseed I hate guessing on stuff like that but just go for it it will be fine
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