Help, leaves points curling slightly up

This started a couple of days ago(the points of the leaves curling a bit up) I thought the light was too close and I moved it further but that doesn’t seem to be the problem

Any ideas?
Also is the colour normal?
How do they look
They are 12 days old (the ones preparing the third set of leaves )
And 9 days old the other one

Final question when should I start with nutrients? Some say as soon as they grow 3/4 sets of leaves some say 3° or 4° week
Any advice?

(The one with a small burn on the leaf was caused by the fan being too close I moved it further and it’s seems to have fixed it)

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Looks great.

It depends on what soil you are using. What are you growing in?

This is nonsense unless growing in coco. It’s more complicated if growing in soil.


Thanks for the quick reply I thought they were a bit too dark,

I’m not using specific soil

I’m using a high quality soil(15€ for 70liters of soil roughly 16,50$ and 18,50gallons per bag)
I bought from my local flower shop and I added roughly 30/40% of perlite for extra drainage ( I say roughly because I kinda eyeballed it)

Is the curling normal?

Soil growers measure runoff PPM to calibrate when to feed. Feeding should start when runoff PPM is below 1,000. I would check it soon since we have no idea what nutrients might have been in the soil when you bought it.

Your seedlings are doing great.


Different soil compositions for different plants. Cannabis needs soil that has good drainage (which you did take care of) and pH buffered to about 6.5.


Soil pH is 6.2 but considering im using tap water
( left for a couple of days so the chlorine evaporates) it should probably be a bit higher maybe?

This is all just a guess tell me if I’m wrong

Do I need to adjust it some way or is it fine?

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pH should be maintained in the range 6.3 to 6.8.


I’m not watering till runoff yet (I’m a bit afraid of overwatering)

I gave them 30ml of water each yesterday

Should I give them more water? They don’t look like they need more tho

I didn’t really find much information on the watering topic especially during the seedling stage

Overwatering isn’t how much you give at once. It is watering too often.

That said, this is for mature, larger plants that can soak up the water in a couple of days.

Please let me clarify, as I had forgotten that we were dealing with seedlings in this thread.

At this point 30 ml at a time should be fine. Less is probably better with plants this young.

pH adjust what you are putting in and leave it at that. You won’t need to check runoff until after you have started feeding the plants.

The rule of thumb for mature plants is: soak the pot to runoff and then wait for the soil to dry out before watering again.


Thank you very much for all the info man you are a great help

How often should I water? Every 3/5 days? Roughly

Then I guess I’ll wait until the cotyledons leaves dry up and fall ,seems fair enough to me

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Water and then let the soil dry out before watering again. How long it takes the soil to dry out depends on how much the plant takes up (growth rate,) the humidity of the grow space, and other factors.


Thanks :+1:t3: much appreciated

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Thanks you to man much appreciated

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