Bag Seed
Coco Coir
Fabric Pots
Water Ph'ed to 5.8 - 6.3 Runoff usually similiar
Nutrient Solution 350PPM
400Watt LED
Temps 70 - 84 degrees
Humidity; 40% - 60%
Ventilation system; Yes
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier, Yes
Co2; No
This is my first indoor grow. Growing 2 plants in a 3x3 tent. I’m in week 5 of veg and just had something pop up that is alarming me. I’ve tried to compare pictures all over the web but can’t seem to find leaves drying out in this color. I hope it is simple and would also like any other tips someone can make based on my photos. My 2 plants have very different feed needs plant 1 will show nitrogen deficiency after any plain ph’ed water feed, while plant 2 prefers nutes at every other feed. This issue is affecting both plants. This issue showed up 4 days after using Organicide for the first time as a precaution. Both plants looked great before hand. When feeding ph’ed water I use CalMag at 4ml per gallon, I do not use CalMag on nute feedings. I feed with hard water from a well, water is 110ppm before nutes are added. Not sure I need CalMag because my well water seems to be high in Calcium and Iron. My nutes are General Hydro Trio and feeding comes in at 350ppm. This discoloration is only in a few spots but it is happening to new and old growth and anywhere from the base of the leaves to the tips. Now these areas are turning brown/yellow and falling off. Should have gotten photos earlier. I scared myself into thinking root rot so I partially up rooted and found no sign of root rot. Hopefully the plant recovers well. The areas look like green puke that has dried on the leaves but there dry enough if you touch them the break off. Light is a 400 true watt LED that is 24" away and I have a 6in fan gently touch the plant tops. Temp and Humidity are on controllers and usually stay pretty steady with the exception of the occasional couple hours in the mid to high 80’s. Nearly ready for my second topping of a manifold. First pictures will be the whole plant and second will be a close up off the discoloration.
Thanks Guys, I hope I’ve provided adequate information
Thanks for the response. New spots are popping daily and I always wipe off any moisture from feeding. There are not many spots but the all start the same. They are a murky green and black spot and then within a few hours they go brown. I’ve had this through a nute feed and a water flush so I’m not sure if this can still be something feed related.
I will try another no nutrient watering and check the runoff ph. How much lower should my runoff be? I assumed having runoff at a similiar ph meant a good medium ph level. Thank you
Have you considered putting your fans on timers and running them on intervals?
If you’d like to run an experiment, you could soak a towel or two so they nice and damp but not dripping and hang them in your space with the lights on. See if that raises humidity, and if so, keep the humidity up with the lights on and off and see if you get any improvement.
I like the idea. Right now I have limited space so my tent shares a room with my woodstove and I’m in Michigan so the stove is always running. If I took my fans off my temp controllers and onto a timer I believe the tent would quickly become 90° plus. Thanks for the suggestion though.
ok, as your woodstove is always hot just put a pan/pot of hot water on it and your whole room will enjoy better humidity. … assuming you have a spot to sit the pot/pan or better yet a 5 gal stock pot…
I currently have two kettles on the stove to help with RH in the home but the tent doesnt benefit from it. My intake is filtered outside air this time of year. It’s free A/C and this time of year I need it because of the stove. The air is ran through a snake of pipe so I dont have any issue with cold shock. Thanks for all the suggestions. I’ll be doing a watering tonight to check runoff.
It may have been a nute toxcicity. Three days ago I preformed a flush and the plant that normal takes all the nutes I give has grown wonderfully with limited spots. While the plant that is generally nute sensitive has not grown an inch. But the stunted plant was also the plant I partially up rooted to check for root rot. I hope I didn’t hurt her too badly. I fear the growth rates will seriously effect my original plans for manifolding.
I fed water ph’ed at 6.2 and my runoff was 5.95 and this was my 2nd flush in a row. I believe Macadon was correct on me having a toxcicity. I do not check runoff every feed but maybe I should. On a second note what do you guys think about the plant I partially up rooted to check for rot? Shes definitely still alive without any major issues but shes stunted. How long may she take to recover and should I wait on topping?
Ok fellas, I seem to have found another issue I’m having trouble Identifying. I recently seen some nute burn on a plant so I gave it a flush. I flushed with water ph’ed to 6.2 and my runoff ph was 6.8. Now 1 day later I seem to be having some sort of possible deficiency. The spots of lime green in the photos are very yellow in person. The only other change I have made recently is lowering my light by about 6 inches. I’m running a 400W LED about 36 inches above my canopy in a 3x3 space.