Help for a Friend (male plant?)

Hey all! I have a friend who got seeds, and together, we’ve been growing and texting how we’re doing etc. he’s having some trouble posting so I told him I’d help since I can tell he’s in a panic. We just want to confirm - is this definitely a male? He’s moved it from other plants already. He bought some mixed seeds from here - of male, I told him to just contact the company, maybe they’ll throw an extra seed or 2 in next order. Anyhow - the pictures.

yeah i think this one identifies as a male pretty safe bet

definitely a male

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Thanks, looked definite to me too. While I have you - this is a picture of mine - too early to tell I assume?

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this one is to early to tell

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I was told that water can help limit the chances of unwanted pollination maybe get the water out and soak it before shaking it around the girls

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Balls hanging out


That’s definitely the balls, you have a boy…


I think too early to tell but leaning towards male. You’ll know pretty soon.

Oh interesting about the one sided - that’s cool. I hope (obviously) mine is female - I only got a 5 pack and this is the only one standing (user error on the other 4, think I have the hang of it now).

Appreciate this forum!!

My poor buddy haha. Luckily he has others growing…

How far is mine from pre-flowering would you guess?