Hello I am trying to figure out the sex of my plants I will be posting pictures and I hope you all can chime in and help me. There photo’s and there about 7 1/2 weeks old.
Hello I am trying to figure out the sex of my plants I will be posting pictures and I hope you all can chime in and help me. There photo’s and there about 7 1/2 weeks old.
Too early.
How much longer you think?
Generally if it were female it would be shooting pistils already, if it were male it would look more like a spade. Since neither are happening I’d wait it out until it’s obvious.
Also early, bizarre place for leaves to grow in but that’s cool!
I want to take cuts of all them females befor me I flip to keep in veg. That way if there’s anything good. I don’t have to go and reveg
You got time. Generally males show up first. No ID yet. I’ve had them take up to 10 weeks before revealing.
Too soon, keep an eye on it every day
I usually check the nodes about mid plant, that’s usually where I see first indicators.
When im running regs I keep them in solos until they show just so im not using a bunch of medium.
Cut a branch off each plant, and place the cutting under 12/12, use the clone to sex the main plant. Just be sure you label everyone well.
It is early but I think it’s a female @503KING. I was just looking at one of my youngsters and I know she’s a female (because those are the only seeds I buy) and she looks like yours right now.
I was gonna do that but I don’t wanna clone anything I don’t have too. Just being lazy maybe? Lol I might just have to clone them all and then determine sex after the flip. As the room is getting pretty full… Last time I flowered I transplanted my plants into the pots maybe a week to 10 days before I flip them no more than two weeks these plants will have been in veg for about 7 weeks and in there final pots for about 3.5 weeks. There gonna be monsters!
Taking cuts isn’t exactly a heavy lift.
Alternatively, pop em all on 12/12 and just throw out the males as you get them.