Help first time grower. Stuck with nutrient ls

Help I ordered nutrient package and don’t know how to use it or manage I been reading on growing 2months this my first time. Here’s a pic. Help with dosage and when

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They not ready for nutes yet my brother way to young


what soil are you growing in? i uses Fox Farms Happy Frog and nutes last about 3 weeks. what nutrient package did you buy?

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Hello I’m using fox farm with these plant indoor :slightly_smiling_face:,but I am growing a white widow out door it germinate but didn’t sprout out but it’s also in regular organic mix

Do you know brand name? Sorry, i made a reply thinking i read that you were in FF soils. Just use a humidity dome for now. Spray a clear solo cup inside with distilled or RO water and place it over the seedlings. Keep it humid for about 10 days, then water in a circle a couple inches from stem with a few ml’s of RO or distilled. You may want to do a slurry test of your soil to see what the ppms are at. When less than 1,000 or so, it’s time to feed.


You will need a PH pen and a TDS meter.
Fox Farm??? Soil? Nutrients (Trio)
You need to provide enough information in order to get an answer.


The 3indoor plants pictured are in fox farm happy frog!
The outdoor plant is just in harvest organic mix!!(outdoorplant hasn’t even sprout out soil it germinated the. I put in regular harvest organic mix

Thank. You :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:Yes I will try this I ordered and setup a full tent setup and ordered everything I needed just didn’t want to lack and nd mix nutrients

Have you tried earth dust… it’s a dry organic nute that is plant friendly and won’t burn it. It’s a laid back add the recommended amount work into the 1st inch of soil and water that’s it and will last for 30 days… it was recommended to me by some experienced growers and I have to say that this is the easiest grow I’ve ever had

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I love the growth thank u so much I will be also ordering this soil

I used hf and ff ocean’s mixed 50/50 with approximately 20% more perlite with the added earth dust base to start things off in my big pot and let it cook a couple weeks before transplanting on day 14… i do not put my seed straight into the hot soil i start her off in a simple smell seedling pot with just the hf by itself so not to burn up the young seedling…

I googled and can’t find it in my area for sell or website including Amazon

The earth dust…?

If that’s the case you just holla cause I know a guy that can solve that problem :sunglasses::muscle::100:

Yes not the bag in the picture you seen !!

Ok let me invite someone that can help… @OGIncognito @MeEasy @Storm … can you help with the info on ordering some ED.

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Thanks for tag Brother @HunnyButta i can help with salt based nutrients @MeEasy will be your ED organic guru :love_you_gesture:

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Thank u


Thanks for the tag Coon :grinning: hi @HunnyButta I’m not :100: on what your question is. You already have earth dust? You want to know what soil to buy?

It’s best to buy regular organic soil without added nutrients so you can use dust at full strength. But you can buy something like fox farm and use less of the dust in your initial mix. :point_down: this is from The Green Sunshine Co (TGSC) it is their recommendations

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