Hello, I’m growing my first ever successful plant and it’s going on its 3 month and I’ve noticed that the stem is really white at the base. I don’t even know the strain as I just started a few seed I scored from a friend. Anyone have any idea what it could be or how to fix it possibly.? The plant seems to be growing quite well. It’s massive and keeps getting bigger and stinkier by the dayS. Is this something that I should be worried about. I don’t wanna lose it because I’ve growed 2 other that turned out to be male.!!
Welcome to the forum.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
It doesn’t seem to be root rot or dust mold as it doesn’t come off.!!
Not something I’ve seen before, but could be a form of mold. Try a dilute peroxide spray and see how it goes. Peroxide should eliminate it immediately if it is mold.
Ok thanks I will keep tabs in here if it gets worse I just don’t wanna lose it as I said it’s my first successful so far plant
It looks like the old medium line to me. Soil has compressed and plant has likely pushed up on the mainstem. What sized pot is it in? How about an overall picture in white light and some details of the grow. Lights, medium, nutrients etc.
Yeah. Keep us posted. I’m interested to know if the peroxide eliminates it.
No doubt some of it given the exposed roots.
Kinda what I was thinking.
OP - I would top dress with new soil. Hit it with a peroxide spray as a preventative before you add soil.
I’ve done this to my own plants in the past. I assumed I got a little aggressive with the watering and washed them out. I did exactly that. A couple scoops of soil, gentle watering techniques and It never bothered me again.
I would add some fresh soil to cover, won’t hurt those exposed roots either
Exposed roots, may be the reason for discolor.
Top dress?
May help the plant and the roots.