I have been looking to buy seeds for medical use (neuropathy.)
But I live in florida and last plant had a problem with some sort of bud rotting, humidity I guessed. They were just some seeds that came with a bud. Got about 5 left. It grew amazingly with beautiful bud except I thinkIpickedtoo early. I spouted 2 more last week, hope itgrows in our soft winter. But I am thinking autoflower seeds would be good to grow in the winter in mid-florida, safe from the week of frost we get? The humidity is lower then too so less rot chance.
Advance Thanks 
Autoflowers can be challenging to grow. I suggest growing photos. They can be very twitchy and not as hardy as photos.
White widow is one of the more hardy strains that is resistant to environmental issues.
Welcome to the forum.
@ChorkieDorkie I am new at growing, but @MidwestGuy made a good point about autos. My first grow was an auto and I am deep in the flowering stage of 6 photoperiods. I think growing the photos I have more control.
I just got 8 CBD Kush seeds and am going to grow 2-4 in my next grow. It is a 1:1 (THC:CBD) and about 8-10% of each. I got it for my CPTSD and my wife’s Rheumatoid Arthritis, I find accompanying CBD with THC to be helpful for my nervous system and my wife likes it for bother her joints and nervous system.
All the best! 
I was thinking autoflower for winter because there is less sunlight but maybe I’m not understanding that part?
So to confirm the regular feminized don’t care as much that they get less daylight in winter?
Thanks bunches.
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They would act similar to autos with less than the light time required for prolonged veg. They’ll begin flower soon after sexual maturity.
Not carrying the ruderalis genes will make it hardier by nature.
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If you have light pollution then autos might be a better option. You can always stimulate a photoperiod into thinking the day is longer by putting a light bulb over the plant/plants and running it for 30 minutes every night at midnight.
When you are searching for a strain you’d like, I think there is an option to search for seeds that are mold resistant.
A few sites have this feature when searching for the perfect strain.
@ChorkieDorkie , Welcome. The auto’s are going to do their thing no matter the light period ( somewhat). Photoperiod grow stages are regulated by the light input, and like @Myfriendis410 said are affected by light pollution. I don’t know why a lot of sites started referring to photos as feminized? Photoperiods could be either male or female. Feminized refers to the female seed. I think it goes without saying that most folks are wanting feminized seeds, weather it’s photos or auto’s. Not sure how well they would produce with the shorter winter days? Keep us posted.
You are thinking correctly my friend 
Autoflowers will also handle the cold “week” better as ruderalis that give them their autoflowering trait are from Siberia which is an extremely cold environment…
Photos will probably grow just fine also but with the short daylight hours, it’s probable that they will flower just as fast as an autoflower would.
Some people grow Photos inside on a 12/12 schedule from germination, this makes them flower basically right after they hit maturity…
I’ve no experience with growing in a more “tropical” environment, but thats my understanding anyways 
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It’s left over from before autoflower really existed…
It use to be just feminized or regular seeds and then autoflowers exploded and the terms haven’t caught up I guess 
Are you handing out seeds or something? At a table?