Help deciding If gorilla glue is ready

Opinions on if it’s ready

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Can’t tell by the close up photos but looking at the plant and zooming into the flower sites, it doesn’t look even close to being ready. Are you able to post photos of the plant in natural light?

Kinda agree with above… you can’t really see the trich’s in the pictures but there are a lot of red pistols. I wouldn’t say you’re ‘not even close’ to being ready but I think you’re still a week or two off. People harvest at different stages but most harvest when you see some of the trichs starting to go amber(die). They look clear/partially cloudy to me. Hope this helps some! I’m in the same boat with GG currently. I know mine has a ways to go still.

Here’s mine - Day 81, today.

Yea you have a few weeks. Still too many immature pistils

Oops nevermind i see what you did there. Def post natural pics lol





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Buds look! Very hard to say, but don’t see white pistils. You are close, and depending on desired effects. What do the trichomes look like?

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That’s the same plant in all the pics? The last pic looks like white pistils all over but I could be wrong.

Congrats though! I’m going to probably harvest one of my plants this weekend. Just waiting on a few more pistils. :slight_smile:

When you post pictures please turn grow lights off and use a white light source such as the flash on your phone camera or some other white source of light.
Tricomb pictures are best taken with a. USB microscope off amazon (super cheap) this will be the only way we can truly tell.

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