Help building a single pot scrog

If i want to build 4 mobile scrogs using pvc pipes in a 3x3x6 tent. Thats 9sq ft 36inx36in. So basically i need 4 x 9in pvc pipes across to make each scrog ? .

I’m not following your math here at all. Is 36"x36" the inner dimension of screen or outer dimension of frame?


I don’t understand what you’re trying to do either Ifyou’re trying to make an individual scrog for each of your pots just use bamboo stalks ( 6 each should do), then just tie twine in a ring around( maybe also a inner square too) them then you can basically use them for scrogging

Think they are looking at 4 9" screens? 4x9=36
That’s pretty small area to work with. Say you use 1" pvc, that’ll cut down 6 more inch’s of usable space.

I think i know what you want ,u want the same thing that build a soil uses in there tent the pvc cage that the spread ur scrog net across is that right

I’d say 4 squares at 15x15 inches will give u 6 inches of play space to move one if needed a slight bit or whatever. Or just build one big scrog for the 36x36 area and let the 4 plants grow into 1 canopy. 15 inch scrog is a small scrog and would end up with a small plant. Might wanna rethink this idea as u can most likely get the same amount of return from 1 or 2 plants as u can with 4 in that space. Sometimes less is more and in cases like this I think less plants will give u more weed in the area.

Ya gotta let that pic finish uploading and processing before you hit the reply button👍

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For some reason its not processing my photos… basically i dont want to use a trellis on top or scrog… i just want to build the frame around the pot…im more of a verical growth type of guy… meaning i dont weave and dnt really lst. I let it grow a certain height and then spread the branches very little… i want to put elastic band around the frame and use the elastic band to spread my branches and tie down long branches while leaving the top open to let the middle growth grow up… do you guys get it ?

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Well 3x3 is not a whole lot of room u can get 1 plant to grow and fill the 3x3 easy maybe use milk crates cut down shorter and u can tie off to the holes in the crates underneath but when the buds build weight ur gonna prolly wanna reverse this effect as the buds will be weighed down and ur gonna wanna support them up. Sounds to me like maybe @CoyoteCody lst clips would be what u need to open up a plant without doing alot to it. He has universal clips to bend to several different angles. Might be what u need.

That one he printed and posted for ppl to see.


Might I suggest Chiropractic for your plant?

You can chiropractic the limbs to make them more rigid later on.

I’ll explain best I can, but if it doesn’t come through well let me know and I’ll send a video so you can see and hear what I’m talking about.

First, once your limb has reach 4-6 node sets, or nodes if staggering, reach down to the base of that limb connecting to the main stem ( with only your pointer finger and thumb grasping it).

Now, while still holding the base of limb, reach right above the first node and twist very gently either way until you hear a snap (not a break that’s bad, but an audible snap/click). Remember what way it clicked.

Now, move the hand holding the base up above the second node. Repeat the process as above mention paragraph. The next node usually clicks the opposite rotation of the last click.

Continue repeating that process up until you can not get a click out of the limb. You can do it every time it grows 4-6 new nodes.

Again, if video is needed, just ask. Happy Cultivating!!!