Has anyone used KIND soil?

Does anyone have any experience with Kind soil? I read a journal on another site and the results were impressive. It seems like a great way for a new grower to get good results while learning about growing. The notion of “water only” grows definitely has me intrigued. The price tag is a little steep and I’m interested in hearing some testimonials.


Look at me, replying to my own thread! ?:rofl: I see a couple dozen folks have read this post and since no one has responded I’m guessing…No.

Challenge accepted! I’ll do this first grow with all the nutrients and soil I already have and consider KIND soil for my second one. Looks like I can grow a couple plants for a bit over $100. Seems like a lot for just soil but
i’ve probably got twice that in soil and nutrients. If this is easy as it’s being touted, maybe paying extra for the convenience is worth it. We won’t know til we try!


I have…I’m about 2 weeks out from harvest. It’s my first grow :blush: I’ve grown two Gold Leaf outdoors and they’re both about 5’ tall.

I’ll post some other pictures of the other one soon.


Thanks for weighing in. Your plants look great! Did you only use water or did you need to supplement with anything?

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I used ph adjusted water for the whole grow. However, I made a few rookie mistakes along the way…firstly, I didn’t quite read all the instructions, as I was so keen to get moving, and for a while over-watered with run off, which is a big no no. I also had them in a veg for a little too long, so the roots used up all the space of the 15 gallon pots I have them in. So, after about 3 weeks into flower, I had to start giving them nutrients. However, saying all that - the soil is pretty incredible and if used correctly, you certainly wouldn’t have to use any nutrients at all. I actually started two White Widow autos a couple of weeks ago, and they’re doing great. I don’t have anything to compare it to, as this is my first grow, but I highly recommend it.


They look really great, man. I stumbled across soil on Amazon and started reading. I wish I’d have found it before I got all the nutrients and soil for this grow. Definitely going to consider it for my next grow though. Thanks for your insight!

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