I’ve been hearing and reading about bud washing is this recommended? I’ve never done it before but if its a bonus I’d try it!
Definitely if your growing outside it’s highly recommended!
I’ve read a LOT about it I’ve harvested 5 and have washed all of them. Seems to be a fairly new thing that is catching on.
New grower here but I have watched some videos and read about it. I will most likely be doing even though my grow is indoors. I have so many fans going and what not the lint and other particulates are everywhere.
I first started after I watched a video , about how bud can go bad in storage from powder mildew that was never washed off.
Awesome thanks for the response guys definitely will be trying it! Got another 5 weeks I’d say just gotta push thru the weather.
There is a yojtube video by jorge cerventes that shows this really well. Ive done it and was impressed at the scum that came off the bud even grown inside.
I think I’m gonna wash my bud this round. Doesn’t affect Terps, right? That’s my main concern. I know it doesn’t affect the thc…
I’ve been pushing bud wash for years on this forum.
I’ve found it improves the quality of the finished flower and increases shelf-life as well. And don’t avoid it because you are growing indoors: there is a lot of environmental crap that gets on the plants indoors. Human skin cells, hair, pet dander, dust, etc and I for one don’t want to smoke that.
Here’s one plant’s residue from an indoor grow:
Do have any photos after you washed? like a finished product of what you washed?
Read somewhere the ratio for the wash is a half cup of peroxide to 5 gals of water. Is that about right? Then fan directly on the buds for about 15 mins? Thanks!
I had some bud rot on my first grow. After removing damage I was told to bud wash. I grow in a greenhouse, and was amazed at the junk coming off the plants. I wash all now regardless and use baking soda and lemon juice. Plants are very clean looking after a couple of dunks.
1 cup in 5 gallons of water. Rinse off afterwards.
I’m no expert and will be doing my first bud wash too. I think you need to check out what strength the peroxide is. 3% seems to be norm. With 1 cup to 5 gallons I’ve been told. I could only get 5.1 % and 4 gallon tubs. Waiting to hear if 1/2 cup/125ml would be the right ratio. So I would check out the strength. Happy harvesting
That sounds about right. Just did mine last night followed by a clean rinse off.
I grow outdoors and I use 1 gallon of peroxide to 4 gallons of water, then a fresh water rinse. I have had no issues so far with this mixture. Make sure you hang them up with a slight breeze blowing on them to dry. image|375x500
Why do some people say lemon juice and others dont? Wouldn’t the acid from the lemon juice be bad? Would peroxide and water be enough? @Myfriendis410 since you’re the master budwasher, I’m asking you. Lol.
I’ve seen lemon juice and baking soda used but frankly peroxide works so well that I have only done that. I like having no residue
Do you do a single dunk in the peroxide water? Or do you use regular water for a rinse?
Sorry, just trying to learn how to do it. Mine is gonna need a bath, bad.