Thoughts on washing

So I keep reading about washing the Harvest than drying. Okay I’m a little confused :face_with_diagonal_mouth: my brain (what’s left) is having a hard time understanding why, how, and really… Never done that. I’m getting close and don’t want to be caught with my britches down.

Budwashing is something I will always do now. Indoors or outdoors, our girls get alot of crap in them. Budwashing makes the product much smoother after a proper dry and cure. I only thought it was needed for outdoors grows so when I started growing indoors, I did not do it until I needed to. The results spoke for themselves and now a must IMO.

Here is a great vid


If im growing indoors and had no bug or rot/mold problems, it is not needed. Outdoors, u just do not know what is in there.

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Here is a bucket of water/peroxide per Jorge Cervantes that rinsed ONE indoor plant:

That’s all atmospheric junk that landed on the plant: skin cells, bug parts, pet dander, smoke, dust, mites and various cheese.

THAT’S WHY we wash.


I get the same off my indoor plants despite having a HEPA filter in the room.


To get rid of stuff like this…


Although im not saying its a waste of time doing a budwash. But i am curious, with multiple buckets, if the result would be the same. Now im only guessing but i bet u could get that result after a few washes. To some degree there must be some trichomes to cause that color as well.


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This will be my first time doing a Budwash. I would have never thought. I have cropped several over the 80s & the early 90s. But if it makes a difference in the taste. I will for sure give it a run.

Never saw a sign of detached trichomes and the water is more tan in color than the photo shows. What it also doesn’t show is the rainbow sheen typical of WPM.

This was when I was growing on the Central Coast of California and had to deal with WPM and bud rot every year. Frankly; all you really need is a rinse in the peroxide/water as the peroxide will dissipate within minutes into O and H2O. I would soak for 5 to 10 minutes and only agitate enough to fully wet the plant material.


Thank you my friend. Your thoughts and assistance is appreciated. I will be getting erdone

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Even indoor in a tent with a very clean grow I still bud wash. Its a better safe than sorry thing.


Currently I’m in a dry climate at over 7,000 feet elevation. The presence of mold spores is almost nonexistent here and even though my grow space sits in the mid 50% range I don’t have to worry about it. I normally do a bud wash but if I don’t have time I don’t bother.


I have GrOCD and keep my tent and accessories as clean as possible, but I have animals, and there is always crap in the air regardless of what you think or can see. As I said earlier the point of washing an indoor plant is the smooth factor. There is no harm whatsoever so why not?

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Amen to that brother

That expensive peroxide costs me $1/quart at the Wally World.

Yea hell why not. If it enhances the flavor I’m thinking you should