Harvest time or not yet



This is my first grow with my new light n im still pretty new to growing any feedback is greatly appreciated

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Its grand daddy purp auto

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You are getting close! She’s still throwing some white pistils.


Happy cannaversary @JaneQP !!!


Shes close but I’d wait a week and reevaluate you still have a few white pistils do you have anything to look at the trichomes like a loope or a microscope.

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In my opinion that girl is done. How hard are your lights running? The leaves in the flowers dieng off. White pistils will keep popping all the way if lights strong.

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My thought also.


I do not jys my camera on my iphone but the thrichomes are milky if u zoom in on the pics

My lights at 75 % n ive had it there all along seems to be were they like it any higher n its too strong for them but that is a good point ill check em again tonight im thinking a fee more days


70% of the fan leaves have died off i pluck em off once she sucks all the nutes outa them

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Wish i waited with one but you were right i let my other ones go for a few weeks longer and was pretty potent thanks for the advice

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