GSC Extreme Auto

Too late to edit. Didn’t see you had already cut her down. Congratulations. Even uncured it’s pretty nice. Extremely happy with mine and sure you will too. Nice work.


Nice harvest man. Buds look beautiful! Great job. I’m from MA too and I used to live in NB haha. I got friends and family out there still.


@OverallQuill80 thank u very much my friend. I can’t wait to try her out. She was such a trooper this plant.i transplanted after only 3 days, I tried fimming her,I gave her all the stress u aren’t supposed to give :joy:

@ConcreteBudz waddup growmie. Appreciate the luv. Just the fact u from New B u know I’m gonna have to follow whatever ur doing. Just keep tagging along bro. I’ll tag u in whatever I grow

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Word for sure bro :100: :pray:. I’ll tag you in my second indoor grow right now :muscle:

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@ConcreteBudz bet I see it. At work RN but I’ll def be following along my guy

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Yeah me too man. Gotta make that :moneybag: :money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings:

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@JiggaMan1987 How is the drying process going .

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So far so good, it’s been a constant 45-55% humidity. It smells like wet grass ATM but I’m hoping once I jar it up that the smells will come back

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The Flowers aroma comes out when Jarred an cured. Usually smells like a candy store. GSCE auto

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Congratulations on the Harvest :clap::clap::+1:


@kellydans ok good cuz it smelled so great the other day, I want that smell back :joy:

@Bulldognuts thanks bro. I’m very proud of my first grow. This plant literally gave me no issues at all

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@kellydans @Borderryan22 @merlin44 @Pet_de_Chien @Ussi @CC_Mo @anon51478927

Quick update on my girl, she’s still hanging and drying, the tent has been at 45%-55% humidity since Sunday. I smoked a bowl of her last night just to try and man, she didn’t have any taste obviously cuz I haven’t began curing yet, but she is smooth and potent. Like I got super stoned off her, I passed out for about two hours in bed with the bowl in my hand still :joy: I really can’t wait to get some gorilla glue started now seeing how potent the Girl Scout Cookie is. ILGM has amazing genetics. Without a doubt, ILGM will forever be my go-to


Man, my GSCE floored me. Horrible munchies also lol. Wait til it’s cured and you’re gonna really like it!


Hahah that awesome!
Congrats man.


Thank u growmies. @Borderryan22 yeah I’m gonna give her the 60 day cure treatment, I can only imagine how much I’m gonna luv her then, cuz I luv her already :joy: @Pet_de_Chien thank u. It’s my first grow ever so I honestly expected her to not really be potent because of something I did or didn’t do, but I was pleasantly surprised to say the least


Congratulations that’s good man ! Finish slow dry An about 30 days cure you will can have the taste , smell an Aroma. Kind of like fine wine gets better in time. :+1::v:

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Congrats making it to harvest man. Looks great


@kellydans @Underthestairs

Thanks yall. this is a nug I took from one of the branches to try. Shes shiny and potent


That’s pretty nice color.

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Thank u much. I can’t believe how good she is, I was honestly surprised. I’m happy as hell now tho knowing how good these genetics are first hand. I can’t wait to jar this up so I can start my gorilla glue

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