GSC Extreme Auto

Set the humidifier outside the tent if you like. I’m usually around 45 humidity an Temperature 65 to 68゚ Not every situation is perfect you’ll be fine keep the temperature down. going with a dry trim will also slow down the drying process. I remove the limbs to hang Creates a little better air flow. Remove most of the big leafs An Do a final trim 8 to 9 days later. Good luck keep us posted.


This. Repeat…This.



Thinking she might be ready or very close to. Lmk what u think. I’m legit going by what u tell me pretty much so if u think she needs more time, I’ll give her more time. But, if u think she’s ready to chop…then :scissors::hocho::axe:


Yeah buddy, for my preference those would be cut and hung. But check some various spots, high and low on plant.
Depends on your high preference. Racey head high, flush hard, dark 48 hours, cut before first light. Couch tater, wait a week, checking the trichs daily


Ok, I do like a strong couch lock, so wait a week and check daily? What exactly am I checking for? More Amber heads or cloudy?

More of these! and they’ll get more amber.

If you are a flush guy, start now. If not carry on until choppity chop.


Ok. Sounds good. I’ll hold off then. I was already planning on watering one more time, then feeding one more time and then flush it.

Check a half dozen other bud sites and see that they are all about same as pic with the ambers. Top will likely have more than lower on plant.


Ok gotcha. I’ll check all around her. I’m thinking like u said, the lower sites won’t be quite as ready, I can almost tell just by appearance, I’m gonna check em either way tho


As mentioned it’s basically a preference of what you’re looking for I like Cloudy crystals with about 10% Amber. You’re in the window Of harvest. If you continue to grow And don’t Get discouraged an Quit . Each grow and harvest will get better and better. (Plant the seeds an grow the weed) @JiggaMan1987


Thanks @kellydans. I appreciate all of the help. Seeing as I don’t have a day off until next Sunday, I’m going to chop her today. I didn’t get to fully flush her like I wanted to. I did give her a full gallon just yesterday tho with 6ml of cal-mag in it. But with time constraints and everything else, I’m going to take her down today. I shut off the lights and I have family from out of state that just dropped in kinda so I’m gonna have to hold off for a couple of hours probably, but she’s gonna come down today. It’s time.


Thank you to all of u guys for all the help, tips, info and luv. I appreciate u all @kellydans @merlin44 @Borderryan22 @Ussi @CC_Mo @Pet_de_Chien @Growlikeagirl @anon51478927 and anyone else I’m forgetting ATM.


Are you planning your next grow yet? This one has been fun to watch.
Maybe put your username in the thread title so you’re easier to spot!
Good job on this one.

@CC_Mo I guess idk how to do that. I thought I did already :joy:




Looks great , it’s a waiting game now.


@CC_Mo I’m gonna be running a gorilla glue auto next. As soon as I empty the tent I’ll be starting again


@kellydans thanks. Luckily I have definitely learned patience so waiting won’t be a problem


Just finished third and final chop on my 11 week old GSC auto. You are within 2 weeks probably. 3 at most I think. You have so many hairs turned orange it looks like it should have a ton of amber but the trichomes tell the tale. I also took ripe buds off and left lower ones to keep maturing with additional light from the tops gone. I thought it would kill an auto but GSCXtrm at least is turned out to be very resilient for me and they’re taking every mistake and aggressive training and pruning. Just a thought. Mine were not evenly ripened so it was a great solution instead of a one time chop. Breaks down the work of trimming into 2-3 mini harvests too.

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