GSC Extreme Auto

@JiggaMan1987 amazing bro
In love with these

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@Ussi thank u my friend. Honestly, I didn’t know she would have all these colors I’m seeing, I’m in love with this plant too :joy:


Hope to see dense buds bro

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@Ussi u and me both my friend. I have to say, I am extremely pleased with these Mars Hydro lights

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Man those are gorgeous, I hope my GSC auto turns out half as good as yours!! Congrats on making it this far

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Can’t agree more bro
Lights play a very important role
I have read great reviews about mars hydro
Sadly cant get hold on them
Maybe next time when someone comes from US I’ll ask him to get it

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@anon51478927 thank u my man. I’m sure urs will look the same. The colors come out when u hit her with some cool air, just keep feeding and watering and making sure ur pH is right and u should be fine

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@Ussi yeah I’ve read alot of reviews and people seem very happy with them also. Maybe u will get lucky and be able to snag a set soon

@kellydans @merlin44 @Borderryan22 @Ussi @CC_Mo @Growlikeagirl

Pics from just now when I got outta work. She got a whole gallon of water today with some cal-mag. One more watering, then I’ll give her her last feeding I believe. Thanks to all of u guys for all the info and tips. I appreciate y’all more than u know.


The finish line is in sight! Make sure you set your dry area up, unless you’re using the tent. But if you’re using a different area, put a meter in it for a couple days before drying to make sure there aren’t huge fluctuations in rh/temp. Gorgeous looking buds!!!



@Borderryan22 thanks man, I’m gonna use the tent. When I’m drying it tho, do I put the humidifier in the tent with the bud I’m drying? Cuz my house stays at 30% humidity at all times literally so I know it can be too dry for bud

I’m actually not sure. That is way too dry I know that. Let me bug a couple, I mean tag a couple with better knowledge. @Pet_de_Chien @SilvaBack203 @Underthestairs


I try to dry at 65% personally


That’s a nice bud shot. Congratulations @JiggaMan1987 you’re almost to the finish line You have done a great. :+1:


If you are able 2 raise humidity I would it might slow the dry process. Or a fan might help circulate some air


@kellydans thank u very much, forreal. I’m wondering what I’m gonna do when I chop her. I’m gonna dry her in the tent but like I told the others, my house stays at 30% humidity all day cuz I have the heat on. I’m wondering if I’m gonna need to put the humidifier in the tent on low or something to try to get it up to around 50-60%

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