Growing out of furniture

Hey so im doing my first grow and i notice not many people who are into microgrows opt for fixing up cheap furniture to grow their plants in. So im making this topic so that i can see if any others like me have homemade furniture setups ! Here’s mine, its a 30€ dressing i bought online and i put about €300ish of stuff in there (my little seed included). I got a carbon filter on top chimney style

with extractor, fan, light, a wooden thermometer and mylar everywhere. Also I isolated the door for smell during flowering theres a homemade lock mechanism and little holes i drilled for intake. Hope to see your guy’s setups soon ! :slight_smile:16112592605806760817619554825094|375x500


There is a guy on here who made a box and yielded well… Hmmm it was a while ago.
Looks like a nice space. Stealthy? Let’s see it closed up

Good idea in a pinch

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Not like fighter jet stealthy but more like high-school kid with camo pants stealthy haha


I always wanted to do something like that. Just have never found the right piece of furniture to modify.


That light at the bottom could become a problem during flower…


Nice setup, I was thinking the same there about the light leak. Need to do some sort of light trap there. Looks really good though :sunglasses:

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I left a slot unsealed at the bottom of the door to pass the cable and act as an intake for when the extractor will be working, why would that gap influence flowering ? :thinking:

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Yes if any light gets in when your lights are off during your grow it can stress the plant out and cause it to go herm. When growing when its lights out time it needs to be lights out.

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Good to know! I guess the same applies to the little holes… I’ll see if i can’t find dark fabric that would let enough air get through !

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Keep in mind even a LED from a power strip can make it happen.

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Oh that’s also good to know ! have i run the risk of it happening in seedling stage ?

You should be fine at that stage it really starts to apply in veg and beyond.

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Oh good, well ill get to those fixes tonight then !


I’ve been caught out with the power on indicators in the past. Best thing to do is stand inside with all the lights on and you will see where the light leaks are. Like you say a loose flap, ideally black, to cover your intakes will work as light doesn’t like going around corners :sunglasses:

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Unless it’s an auto… But yes good guidance by the members here