What are your thoughts on my homemade grow room?

This is a work in process.

I’m sure that some of you will think some of my ideas are silly or wrong, but I’m trying my best.

I wanted to build a room that was a little more durable and can withstand being stored outdoors; because I don’t have room in tiny house for it to be indoors.

I recycled plastic advertisment boards to use for the walls, caulked everything, mylar emergency blankets line the interior walls.

Since it will be stored outdoors I located the intake and exhaust fans inside the tent to protect them from the elements. This is not ideal because it takes up grow space, but at least their protected and hidden.

One goal was to make it NOT look like an obvious grow room, so the average person won’t know what I’m doing. Locating the fans inside minimizes visible ducting on the outside which IMO makes it less obvious.

I’m going to install eye hook bolts to the ceiling for hanging lights, I have some humidity/thermometers, and i also have a charcoal filter i can install to the exhaust if (when) the smell becomes too apparent. I have some really small humidifiers too.

I plan to put some type of filter on the intake fan to avoid dirt, debris, bugs, etc from entering.

I think most of the criticism I’ll get is the fact that I plan to store it outdoors which will make controlling temperature and humidity more difficult?
And maybe the construction looks unappealing to some, but I kinda like the way it looks.

What do you guys think? Is this project laughably bad, or am I on the right track?

I was skeptical to share this because I’m a bit embarrassed because it’s so far different than the store bought tent, and I’ve never heard of anyone keeping a grow room outside. I should mention that being secretive and having a lack of space is what led to a lot of decisions during this build.


I think building a room outside to grow is better than NOT having any room to grow! So good on you for that! What size box is it? Just curious on height, whether you have room to hang a light and get a tall plant in there or not…is it 6ft or 8ft tall? What are you outside conditions as we near winter (in Northern hemisphere, anyways!), will your temps get below 50F at night (or over 90 in the day)?

I made a little room in my cellar. It’s only 4’8" tall so I couldn’t put a tent down there, so in a corner I made 2 cardboard walls, one which swings outward, and lined it with Tyvek white paper. Ran one electrical outlet down there which cost me about $40, and I now use that for starting seeds, clones, and veg before going upstairs to the 4x4 tent in the garage. Altho now I’m also flowering 13 clones in there as the tent is full and I’m greedy!

Sometimes you have to be creative!


amazon on the bottom. amazon up top! looking good! :crazy_face:


it looks awesome to me. on the outside, you can make it look any sort of ways. retro, apocalyptic, modern.


Looks good! You do what you got to do. Think there are a few people growing in sheds outside. As long as you have decent airflow you should be good!


Yeah, gotta crawl around down there. There’s actually a 6" sewer pipe that runs about 2 feet off the floor that you have to crawl under to get to this corner. Have a few thick amazon boxes under there to protect my old knees!

The cardboard “wall” on the right is just stapled to the floor joists!


I see nothing silly there. Looks great. If anything it looks like a freezer. Good camo!!


Thank you everyone for your positive comments!


I love it and I’ve done a few grows like this myself!

You won’t find anyone making fun of you here that’s for sure, do what you gotta :wink:

Bear in mind, its very possible after a month or 2 you’ll be dealing with more insects in there than you would just outside, that’s 5 star accommodation you made! So seal more than you think is necessary and if camo is necessary I covered a box made out of plywood in varnish and chucked a ton of leaves on it, again insects, but it works

There’s also a lot to be said for a second hand shed for that “bike project” you’ve been talking about lol

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I think it looks awesome and your on the right track, looks like your having fun with it and also is an impressive build. Im going to be following this as im about to start working on an outdoor over winter project
Keep it up growmie and keep up on the updates!


Hey growmie, great thread you started, ive been semi thinking of how to turn my shed into a livable habitate for my tortoise, and was thinking about experimenting with a plant! Ive got another year or so before it needs to be done. You got me motivated buddy.

I love this forum!

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@MikWya I’m glad y’all like it and I’m glad you found motivation in it! @Dinky do you think insects would be able to get in through the intake fan, or are you referring to just small cracks around the corners?

How cold does your winter get there bro?

@MikWya the winters can be mild here, maybe 55° but it can freeze sometimes. I was planning to get a small heater for when it starts getting cold and set it to turn on and off based on temperature.