Growing in Coco coir tips

New to Coco coir. Starting an indoor grow and am looking for tips on Coco prep and feeding schedule

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I start feeding about 1.5-2 weeks after it breaks ground. about 1/4 strength


Thanks, I read in Coco you should water twice a day. That sounds like a lot to me. What do you think

You can feed once a day or you can feed six times a day. It’s all a matter of how much work you want to put into it. Of course, if you automate the feeding…

Some coco needs to be washed before using.
Did you buy a brick or a bag?

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you’re not supposed to let it dry out, especially if you’re using salt based nutrients. i started off a few times a week and then every other day and every day during flower. if you’re using salt based nutes you also need to water to overflow to prevent build up. id also further then recommend flushing periodically to clear things out.


The amount of watering is based on the plant size and the container it’s in. I like a wet to dry cycle and have used that with coco to no ill effects. My friend @Not2SureYet is a mad coco grower. I actually prefer Promix but it’s a similar beast.

I start my seeds in media like coco or Promix which is pretty much ideal for seedlings. Buy a gallon of distilled water and use that to water until needing to feed and you can eliminate using a PH pen during that time. (I hate adding ONE drop of PH down to tap water lol). Once the plant starts getting fed you will need to PH your mix.

Cal mag is necessary. I just read about soaking coco in 5 ml/gallon of cal mag and water to prep the media.


Yes I got 10# brick washed an strained it and am in process of buffering it with Cal mag. Then I will mix with perlite.

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I will be feeding with general hydroponics micro, Flora and bloom along with Cal mag. Are these salt based?

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I am not sure if the GH line is salt based. I use that line my self. I really don’t let my coco dry out so much if I can prevent it. I would say i water similar to @Myfriendis410 While he may wait a day or 2 between watering. I water every day. but not to run off when they are small. I may just give them a cup of water around the seedling. then when I see her start to grow. I enlarge the circle I water in. I do this hoping that I can stretch her roots way out. guess it works since I see root poking out of the side of the pots often. You didn’t say if you are doing photos or autos. I have found with the Gh my self. Autos are more than fine with feeding 1/2 strength or less. And photos up to full strength ones they are full sized. My feeding is normally in the 300 - 650 ppm range. Depending on the plant. I seem to do better feeding lighter than heavier. I should add. By feeding on the light side. it is rare that I ever have to flush. I water so I get a 4 cup run off each time. This is a feed chart I made up and go by


I feed every watering with coco and use calmag every watering. I do plain water about every two weeks. I love coco and since using it have had no ph issues

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I use coco and dry amendments (dr earth 4-4-4 and 3-7-4) ph and water when dry. Usually preload coco after I wash and leach salts out and add perlite.

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I am sure this may mainly apply to me. I find my autos like a feed, water, feed schedule. My photos like a feed, feed, water. I can see the difference in growth on both after I water. And I always use cal mag for feed or watering.

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Thanks bud

How much do you give of the dry amendments and do you use them together?

@sallysue this is an older thread, what exactly do you need to know?


It would depend on size of plant - no not together I know the YouTube guru mr canucks does but I have never had it work for me. Just 4-4-4 (bag will tell you how much to use but I would go a bit heavy if not using any other amendments) in veg and flower nutes in 2nd week of stretch. Since this post I’ve switched out coco for happy frog / ocean forest blend. More expensive but I just couldn’t get enough salt out and after all time is money

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I was just looking for a basic schedule to use for the dry amendments in soil.

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@sallysue do you have a grow journal, if so why don’t you post there since you are in soil and this is a coco coir thread! Tag someone like I did you at top of post to get their attention. That way you will be more likely to get the info you need. In reference to your question it depends what soil and nutrients you are using., we can get you a schedule or find someone who is using something close! :grin: :sunglasses:

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Is there a grow journal on here for us to use?

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