The other day I shared my Granddaddy Purple Auto’s pic on her 42 day birthday. After some tips from some forum members I have made some changes to my set-up. I am about 2 weeks from wanting to start a new plant and would like to do it right. Help me know what I can do with what I have, if that’s possible.
- This is an indoor grow, ~2 x 2.5 closet.
- seeds from ILGM
- autoflower
- city tap water
- have not checked pH, have ordered pH meter
- grow in Fox Farm Ocean Forest
- I use ILGM nutrients
- my main light for after week 3 is a KingLED 1000w. I also use some aux light with the side reflectors. In the first 3 weeks I use a Yaiyan 400w.
- The room they are in is kept between 70-78 F. (I did just order a light and temp gage, not yet here)
- RH changes, 30 to 55 average.
- will use humidifier when it drops into the 30’s. otherwise I use the house AC and outside air when cool enough.
- I vent the closet with a half door with openings at top and bottom. A swivel fan continually runs along the outside bottom. a smaller fan is used to move the air at the top of the closet.
- No CO2
- I have been growing for more than a year, but that has been mostly trial and error. This is the first time I have reached out to others.
- keeping it budget at the moment
- no hydro
I have questions about distance of light from canopy. I also need to understand more about water pH and nutrients. If you can share some charts on light intensity and a nutrient schedule for ILGM, I’d love to check them out. I have ordered pH and light meters that I will probably ask for help with as well. Thanks in advance for your experience.