Growing autos with photos.. need advice

This is my first grow so I’m not too sure what I’m doing but gained a lot of useful info here so here it goes…

I’ve currently got 4 plants in a 3x3x72 tent with a 400w led at 70%. 2 plants are photoperiods (1 week 7 and 1 week 5) I then popped some autos that are going on week 3. I’ve kept the photos in 3 gal pots while popping the autos in 5 gal pots, trying to limit the growth of the photos as they will be growing longer. My hope is that I can switch them all to 12/12 together(I’ve read it’s doable with autos). Does this seem viable? I probably won’t do it again but I want to get the best quality out of this harvest not focused so much quantity, any help or tips would be appreciated.


I have grown autos and photos together a couple of times with no problem. It does look like that tent will be very crowded in a couple of weeks time.


Ill be kickin back smokin on a fatty watchin you fight through that jungle called Jumanji in a months time. Im growing six in a 12 x8 and if i wouldnt have trained em like i did, id be riding a tiger through the amazon…
Btw, ive grown autos and photos together with no issues.
Good luck amd god speed!


That’s what I was thinking, i do have some trellis nets to try and tame it but I don’t know if that’s the right thing to do at this point.


I’m both excited and terrified. :joy:


You should be… :man_mage: :rofl:


Welcome to the party! Sometimes two’s company fours a crowd. At the end of the day it all works out. Happy Growing :face_with_peeking_eye:


Welcome aboard!!! You can absolutely run your grow that way. Just take into account the photos can potentially triple in size after flip. And also, the autos will start flowering when they want. The light flip for the photos won’t effect them. Good luck and happy growing!!!


Run through the jungle! :notes:


I just did this. Ran photos for 11 weeks in veg while autos grew. Would do it a littlw diff but heres a progression…


I can get down with some ccr! :joy:

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Yea I got a feeling I’m in for it…. If I try this again I will plant the autos so they can be harvested right before the photos flip instead of simultaneously. I would prefer to run 18/6 throughout and not worry about all 4 plants being enormous together. It’s fun to learn! Lol

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Time it wisely, or take the time time to top and lst your photos… autos finish on their time lol


So the plant is really stretching…and theres so many sutes that could be balanced. It would require letting them grow a bit and then supercrop. Is that a better idea than daily tucking at day 12 after flip? The fans get so thick so fast i have to prune daily rn.

Update: kinda concerned about the coloring of the one plant, I’m currently treating with first doses of cal mag + nutes to see if anything changes.
Anyone have any input on it? All mediums and feedings are the same

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Edit: upon closer inspection what I thought to be browning of the tips is actually purple. Not sure what to make of that
Strain is Motorbreath week 8 veg

Yes, crowded tent is the main problem is you wait and veg the photos longer .

It could be phosphorus due to purple it looks like the one plant might just need a little more nutes. I’ve grown the same strain side by side one needed so much cal mag one needed a little every plant is different. If I were you I’d keep ‘em at 18/6 light schedule and when the autos are done flowering then switch the light to 12/12 for the photos. You can train the plants to fit it will help. The trellis idea is a good one but I personally wait til they are in the very beginning of flowering for trellis. That’s my personal preference and you can always trellis when u want if it gets unmanageable and add extra layers.

When I said more nutes I’d raise all your nutes slightly go slow don’t burn. Nutrients are all connected if one suffers they eventually all are connected and suffer

Update: day 7 of flip
Everything seems to be evening out decently, I was under feeding the photos but they’re coming back. Flipped to 12/12 as soon as autos started throwing preflowers, guava IX is now throwing pistils but Motorbreath still being stubborn. I’ve got some UV lights on the way and I plan on incorporating the following during flower.
-tiger bloom
-open sesame
-beastie bloomz
-cha Ching
-epsom salt
-kelp meal
-fish sh!t