Right now I have 2 LSD photos, 2 Bubble Gum photos… 1 white widow auto ready for harvest soon and 2 amnesia haze autos that I just germinated and put into soil. I’ll take pics later. It’s been a long winter with temps going down to 20 below but my girls made it and look great! Just to let everyone know to use protective eye wear under LED lights cause my eyes got sunburned. I’ll take pics later
I didn’t know where to post this. I have one plant I’m not sure what it is so I’m not sure if ready to harvest.
Also wanted to show you my new mk ultra
Thank you so much for what you do. I live in Georgia where marijuana isn’t legal. It really helps with my pain so I make butter and coconut oil to cook with. I’m learning to grow as I go. Thanks again
hard to tell because of the led light !!! you have are in middle flower so you are looking at 4 more weeks (+/-) maybe even more. have you defoliated yet ??? might consider it ? Nice looking plants
@steve2… what are you talking about defoliated??? How did you guys end up on my new site? Just curious I just started a new topic yesterday and happy to chat…
I’ll take pics later of my 4th grow, I’m losing count. My girls are on 12/12 harvest approx a month away!!
Your girls look great! What’s the strain again? Hard to see your buds on first pic but you have a lot of nice trichomes there, hard to tell because of light… I’ll take pics later
I’ll get a better pic later…
@Newbuds… it’s not legal where I live either but… I live out in the country and… I’m accomplishing a perpetual grow so I don’t run out… it’s hard to see your buds… if it’s an auto should be ready around 90 days you’ll see trichomes which you have and some amber on buds if photos should be ready 120 days or more…
Hey there @bonnie1 been a while glad
You survived the winter haha
Looking good
@Newbuds you been a member for over a year start your own thread lol and post that picture
Hey… @Countryboyjvd1971… the winter was definitely a challenge at 20 below. Next year I’ll only grow autos in winter cause it gets too cold on 12/12 at 20 below even in the house. I also got snowblind from overexposure to LED rays, so be careful, my eyeballs got sunburned but getting better now and bought some good polarized sunglasses I should’ve listened cause I was told. Anyway I’m growing and growing and haven’t had any problems… and lovin my big gooey buds!!! My sister says I’m a professional
Wow sorry to hear about the eyes
Everyone should Definitely be wearing eye protection when working in the grow room
Just make sure the glasses block uva and uvb rays as well
Yeah as you know im in my basement which gets cool but not cold in winter i heat the basement as well to 65 run lights at night to help with cold temps
Heres a good set @Greenlantern they also make over glasses style
Thanks for that… think I’ll get an order together for Amazon and order those in addition… these glasses were $20 at rite aide and said they were uv rays but I’m not sure so I’ll get the right ones… I did buy a heater, real nice like a flat screen but it blows fuses in certain parts of the house and unfortunately it’s overloaded in the grow room but I’m gonna get my tent ready in garage sometime in April and look forward to spring and summer growing. I do have a question: my tents are on 12/12 but I have some autos I just planted, when they pop will they be ok under 12/12 for their first 4 wks??? I have done it but don’t know if it’s recommended???
@Countryboyjvd1971… I’m colder up here and those Nor’easters were a biotch!!!
I know you are hun and yes they where i lost power during the girst ine for 3 days we are just now getting above 20 at night so i get it i would wxpect you to be a bit colder for longer as well
@Countryboyjvd1971… did you see my question??? Above your last message and I just bought those glasses and a new 1000 watt king led light, I’ll have 3 tents going this spring…
Yes you can run your autos at 12/12 but you will sacrifice size and yield a little.
I have 2 autos going now that have been on 12/12 since the first set of true leaves and they are the biggest autos I’ve grown so far.
You are cheating with your light though @MattyBear lol