I set up a grow tent in a room with a a/c I am having all kinds of problems with trying to get the RH level in side the tent set at 78% I am using a Ink-bird controller but I can’t figure out how to set it correctly,. I followed the instructions but when the RH gets to " Alarm High " of 80% humidifier shuts off, RH drops to 75% then humidifier turns back on, my problem is this morning the RH was a steady 64% with the humidifier on. I have a Hydrometer that gives me a RH level 10 to 15 degrees lower than what it shows on the Ink-bird controller, the hydrometer gives me the correct temp. but not the correct humidity . right now it is 4:06 am and according to the hydrometer the temp. is 85.8 degrees and the RH .60%, the RH on the Ink-bird shows a RH of 74%. The inline intake fan is on a timer at 15 minutes on and 30 minutes off. I do not know which numbers to go by, the hydrometer or the controller.
The last time I purchased seeds from ILGM I had a 98% germination success ( Thanks guy’s for providing us with excellent seeds ) but that is as far as it went. After germination was a success I put them in Coco, after they broke ground they stopped growing because I could not get the RH above 50%. I am tired of wasting my money on seeds with absolutely NOTHING to show for it. Can someone PLEASE tell me what I am doing wrong
I’m not sure why you’re stressing the humidity levels so much right now, the temp is a bigger issue here. I would worry about getting temps between 70F and 77F, from there you can work on the RH in the tent. Just my opinion though!
Also, when growing in coco it’s easy for roots to get dried out. The pH level for coco should be like hydro, so your ideal pH range is 5.6-6.0 pH. If you’re worried about RH while plant is young, you shouldn’t be. You can mist the plant daily, helping with low humidity.
@ktreez420 is on point get temps down a bit my grow room I maintain between 70 and 78 constant
And I think he’s on point about ph and coco this may be your problem
Thank you very much, your opinion is VERY much appreciated. my last grow ended tragically because of the very low Rh, I just don’t want it to happen again. I just watched your video on youtube, in fact I am watching Part 2 right now AWESOME #%#% ing pants you got there !! EXCELLENT JOB !! on your first grow. I have watched a lot of how to grow videos on youtube and at that stage of growth have got to be by far the nicest looking plants I have ever laid my eyes on. You are the master I am the slave lol. I moved the tent closer to the window with the a/c so I can vent the exhaust out the window instead of back into the room like it was. Now the intake is right under the a/c set at 75 degrees on a timer set at 15 min.on & 15 mi. off I could not figure out why the tent is so hot inside until I found out that the house thermostat was off and it is 84 degrees inside my house right now
I set the thermostat to 75 degrees I hope that solves my heating problem, I think it should, at least I hope it does. What a goof-ball I am, lol I feel so stupid right now. Should the intake and outtake fans be running at the same time ? I just checked the house thermostat and it is now 3 degrees higher than when I first turned it on. If it weren’t for bad luck I would have no luck at all, SHIZIT !! What else is gonna go wrong
How do you keep your grow room at 70 and 78% ? Do you keep your outtake and intake fans on at the same time ?
I could not figure out why the tent is so hot inside until I found out that the house thermostat was off and it is 84 degrees inside my house right now. I just checked the house thermostat and it is now 3 degrees higher than when I first turned it on. If it weren’t for bad luck I would have no luck at all, SHIZIT !!
turn you exhaust fan up a little and your intake fan down a little and that will lower it as well if the air outide the tent is that high then I might even turn off the intake and let it pull thru naturally
Has you covered im guessing you have speed controllers on your fans just tune it in it takes time hours over days to get it right then as seasons change your going to have to adjust it
I heat or cool my grow room independent of house depending on season and I have a humidifier running that’s a free standing whole house style good for 800 square feet I set humidity level about 10% lower than I want tent humidity
My grow room it lined with 2 mil black plastic ceiling and walls creates a vapor barrier and I run my tent exhaust fans with carbon filters 24/7 exhaust into grow room I also have a a third exhaust fan and carbon filter for grow that I do exhaust outside
So by recycling air from tents it help maintain humidity and temps
I run leds so I don’t generate too much heat I use passive style intakes with intake fans off but if needed I do run them usually if tent temps get too high
I also can vent all exhaust outside if needed but winter time in I NY @marsman54CB
Where do you live bro temp went up when you turned thermostat on ? Heat or cool
Welcome to ILGM. I agree Robert’s seeds are great.
Just a suggestion, it might be easier to start in starter soil and then go to coco once you are established. Coco seems to be hard to start in from the experience that my friends have had. I have had a great track record starting in soil. Only had one problem early in my grows. None since. Hope to see you get 'em going soon. Jerry
I live in Tampa, Fl. I just set up a tent in one of my spare bedrooms that has a window a/c. I have two 90 cfm exhaust fans for intake and outtake. running both at the sames time was just recirculating the hot air so I was advised to turn the intake off to see if that helped, it did not I just moved the tent so that it would be closer to the window and a/c so I could exhaust the tent out the window, that helped some.
. I have to get the the house a/c fixed quick so I can bring the down the house temp. to 75 degrees, I think that will solve the heat issues that I am having. I have a humidifier and dehumidifier both controlled by a Ink-bird controller, a heater controlled by a digital thermostat.that has yet to turn on because it has been so hot in the house. This thermostat is a weird one, to set the starting time and stopping time of the heater it does not have a setting in degrees or celcius, it just has a setting of a "maximum of 9 " for start time and a “maximum of minus 9” for stopping, so right now it is just telling me the temp, inside the tent. I’ll give you a sample of the instructions for setting " Heating Mode "
The heating equipment will star to work if the start temperature of set is less than stop and the temperature of testing is small or equal to beginning.
If the testing temperature greater than or equal stop temperature the heating equipment will stop to work, when the temperature of testing is greater than beginning and is less than stop keep the original state relay
I have to understand the instructions first before I can follow them. I have no idea what that means, do you ?
When I turned on the house thermostat to " cool " it was blowing out hot air instead of cold, definitely do not need that so I am using the a/c in the room to cool the temp.where the tent is located. It is 9:05 pm and I just checked the tent, according to the hydrometer it is 84.4 degrees and the RH is 55%.i put the germinated seeds into Coco last nite at 6:30 pm and they broke ground this in the late afternoon. The tap root on the seeds were almost a inch long
( I watered them with mixture of one drop Roots Exculator and a pinch of Great White in distilled water with a ph of 5.8 )
The humidity controller has a reading of 61% RH set to 78% Rh. The " alarm low " on the controller is set at 50% Rh
I am waiting on a higher cfm exhaust fan/ w carbon filter and a speed controller. The exhaust fan runs 24/7, I turned off the intake to let the exhaust fan draw in the air from the room naturally. I am using a 45w led for light right now, I have a
2ft. x 4 ft. T5 4 bulb light that puts out 10,000 lumens waiting for the veg. stage, I really appreciate the help, I need all I can get to keep me from another failed grow. I am tired of wasting my money on seed’s. It’s now 10:42 pm and the house is at 85 degrees, inside the tent according to the hydrometer the temp. is 83.5 and the RH is 55%. The Humidity controller has RH at 61%
Use the t5 for now it’s perfect and keep it close to them. 80% humidity is great for seedlings. Temp should be about 80 give or take. Why do you care about a carbon filter at this stage? A regular fan is perfect and not needed other than to circulate air, definitely not for blowing directly on leav s. Ph water mist and wait.
Well for sure if you set house tstat to cool and heat blew out your having a problem with that
But if you have a window ac it should cool the room
And as far as the heater is concerned
If I understood what you wrote they are saying if temp falls below given setbpoing unit will start to heat and once it’s above set point it will turn off
I’m a little confused why your running a heater though ? Or did I misunderstand you sir ?
I’m a commercial Hvac tech out of NYC so I would like to help resolve this situation your having
How big of a tent and type of light I’m sure you mentioned it but being lazy today
Glad to know your a Hvac tech who wants to help me, bad thing to know is that you live in NYC. When I turn on the a/c in the house it starts kinda cool but not cold (not as cool as it should be ) but then after little awhile the temp. in the house will not go down, in fact when I turned it on this morning it was 81 degrees, I checked a couple of hrs. later and it was 83.
Right now it is 88, with no chance for improvement There is something definitely wrong with my CHA system, not surprising though being it is 9 or 10 yrs. old and has never been serviced before.
During the last 5 or 6 yrs. it has run maybe a total of 10 time and not for very long when I did turn on the a/c.I’m disabled and can’t afford the high electric bill each month. About the heater for the tent, I was freakin out about it getting to cold at night inside the tent, when it gets cold at night here sometimes the temps. can get below 40 degrees, speeaking of cold I just went to check on the tent and when I looked at the hydrometer I almost cried, it said 27.1 and then I
noticed the little c right next to it. WOW you talk about relief omg. The last time I checked the tent the reading was in degees not celcius and I did not change it. anyway I got some good news for you, I readjusted everything reprogrammed the humidity controller the a/c from 75 down to 70 degrees and turned up the humidifier to 3/4, right now the readings are RH 74.1 Temp is 26.6. and my plants are 4 times bigger after two days than my last grow after two weeks before they all died. .Do you think I should wait until the plants get a little stronger before I put the T5 4 Durolux bulbs 10,0000 lumen light on them ? T5 HO Indoor Grow Light - 2 ft 4 Lamps DL824 Fluorescent Hydroponic Fixture Veg. got it on ebay
The 4ft. 4 bulb light that I am going to get for bloom put’s out 20,000 lumens
I would appreciate your advice on what to do about my Hvac system Do you think it might need a Freon ?
I want to thank everyone for all your advice, much appreciated
As far as the Ac goes yes is sounds like you need Freon and it most likely is freezing up on you which is why it seems to warm up I was thinking you could get so flex dryer duct from local hardware store and attach to window Ac and run it to intake on tent that would force more cool air in to tent
I use led lights my self @Niala can answer that better than me if he’s around
How old Are they think I missed it
A picture would be good if you could
I have done that with my a/c before. I removed the grate covering the outtake and made box to fit in it’s place, cut a 4" hole, used a piece of 4" duct tube and attached dryer flex line been there done that a couple of times, it worked so why not
Sorry about the quality of photo’s, new phone and I have figured out focusing
I am getting the exhaust fan / carbon filter Because I thought the 90 cfm fan would not be strong enough, turns out to be they are for the size of the tent, and it was a 2 for 1 one special. I’ll use it for when I go to bloom
By the way that was my older brother’s name. I am sooo Happy that I got the situations that I was having under control.
I used to grow 8 or 9 yrs.( hydroponics homemade 5 gal bucket system ) I think they are called bubble buckets now and then went to soil for the last part of me growing Got infested with root gnats.
.,.but I had to quit because I got injured on a construction site ( fell almost 35ft and fractured 3 vertebrae in my back ) I’m disable now and couldn’t afford it back then. Recently I decided to get back in the grow. I forgot most of what I new about growing so I decided to watch grow videos on YouTube , I’ve seen probably 20 or 30 video’s
. Anyway back to your point Have you ever heard of the term Hydrosoil ? ( Video on YouTube ) It is a 50/50 mixture of Ocean Forest and Sunshine Mix 4 I think and GrowStone GS1 It is a mix that let’s you water your plants as much as you want and don’t have to worry about over-watering your plants. I am considering that option, I am also thinking about running a RDWC system ( also a video on youtube ) What do you think is the best of both options ?
They are seedlings then you want it to be warmer and more humid also
I keep them around 78/80 degrees with 80% humidity Under a dome for the first two weeks or so then move to my tent once they have a few nodes on them
That looks like a good system if you want to run that way. I am no experienced in hydro though. I am pretty much a soil grower. You might want to get an opinion of some of our Hydro growers. Also, I do not have room for that size grow.
I was thinking about wondering about getting my soil more aerated next grow and using part coco or grow stone mix. My system now is basically a hybrid leaning more toward hydro now due to all the flushing I do. That was a good vid on hydrosoil.