Grow Tent Temp, & Humidity issues PLEASE HELP!

Hi Jerry

The guy that made the video said it was just like growing with hydro but in soil. because of not having to worry about over watering your plants You can use this method in any size growing area, with any amount of plants you want to grow I couldn’t believe the size of those plants when I first watched the video. There is also a video on Youtube it s called " Air Injection Technology For Soil" if you are looking to
get your soil more aerated, this is the shizit use this link
" " and you find under " Air Injection Technology for Hydro " the information about " Air Injection Technology for Soil " that might interest you… I didn’t think it would be possible, I thought the soil would clog up the holes of the aerator, but I was proved to be wrong after watching the video

I am not going to do the hydro part first as I cannot start with clones (no space for a mother plant) but am going to continue to use the watering system I have been using. It is pretty close to hydro in the plant’s reaction to nutes. I am thinking about putting more aeration in the soil (peat, coco or Growstone) and trying that. I will be using almost the same amount of water and nutes as this time but I think the extra oxygen will help the roots. I am also going to start using an air stone in my nutes and letting them set for a few hours with the air stone running. And, of course, use air pots !

I have looked into Air Induction Technology (A.I.T.) and have talked to several people that attempted it but did not finish. I never tried it but if you decide to, let me know. It seems scientifically sound enough but I have no one I talked to or heard about liked it. I have only seen limited information on A.I.T. and most of it is pretty old. Haven’t looked recently though for newer info.

I hear you on the space issue that’s why I finally decided to move out of the closet and put my 2 x 4 x 6 tent in my spare bedroom, that way when I go to bloom I can add a 4’ x 4’ x 7’ tent. Check out the " How To Videos " on you will probably get the information that you need, kinda adds a totally new aspect to growing with soil, speaking of soil what type of soil are you using ? Check this shizit out, I had some nutes (1 mil Voodoo Juice, 4 drops per ltr. Roots Exculator, 1ml per ltr. B-52) ph 5.8 left over after I watered my plants and put one of those 1" airstones that you you can buy in a 2 pack at Walmart in it. When I checked the ph the next day the ph level shot up to 125 WOW !!! I wasn’t going to check the ph when I watered my plants again, but it’s a very good thing that I did. I wonder what happened ? i didn’t add anything else to my mix

Just thought I would give you a quick update on how the plants (Super Skunk) are on their 4th day Much better photo than before, I do not know why the photo won’t upload but anyway here is a link you can take a look to see how the girls are doing

RH steady at 78%
Temp. steady at 27.7 C
Voodoo Juice 1ml./ ltr.
Roots Exculator 4 drops per ltr.
Great White less than 1/8 tsp. per ltr
B-52 1 ml./ ltr
Ph 5.8

Link not working can’t click on it ?
Sometimes if i try to load to many at once I have a problem also I cancel upload and close app
reloading seems to solve problem

Uploading… I am waiting on a speed controller now, it should be here in a couple of days. It took me a little while to get the hum. between 75 & 80 %. Heat has been running steady at 25.5 C. What does it mean when your first set of true leaves start to droop ?l

@marsman54 try uploading that pic again. It may take a minute or so to load up

I have had this same problem for 3 days now, it will start the upload but never finish, it keeps stopping after a few minutes. I contacted support, got no help there. I have much better quality pictures to upload than the first one, I was breaking in a new phone, worked out the kinks

I will tell you that there is an 8mb limit per topic on picture and attachments… maybe that is the issue?

or not since there is only one other picture on your topic…

My other thought is that the size of your pictures is too big to upload? I’m grasping at this point.

I think only @latewood can summons site support anyway. I tagged him and lets see if he has any thoughts of why your pics would not upload?

tyvm I tried resizing them to a smaller size, putting them closer together and nothing happened, I’m done I don’t know what
else to do I give up. The ones I’m trying to upload are smaller in size than the first pic. I uploaded

Sorry way outside my pay grade. My guess is that it is not a site issue.

What are you using for a browser to get to the ilgm site?

Thanks for the help Bob31. The browser I was using to upload pics. is Firefox, from now on it is Internet Explorer ( FIREFOX SUCKS !!! ) Say hello to my 4 little girls (Super Skunk ) These were taken 10 minutes. ago, they are 7 days old. Giving one a little leg to stand on for the time being, until she gets stronger . Could the reason those first set of true leaves drooping be to much humidity ? I had the a/c in the room set at 80 degrees for some stupid reason and it got to hot inside the tent. This is by far the furthest I have gotten growing from seed, so every day going forward is a new experience for me

RH 78%
Temp. 25.7 C
Feeding 3 drops each per ltr.
Voodoo Juice
Sensi Cal/Mag
Roots Exculator
Pinch of Great White
PH Perfect Connoisseur Grow A & B 2.5ml / ltr


I was a professional troubleshooter for 30 years. It’s what I do best. I may not have the exact solution, but I can usually figure out the cause.

I use chrome with pretty good luck. Even though google knows every word I type ( Hi Google!)

80 degrees isn’t a deal breaker, but keep them in the upper 70’s and they will be a little happier.

They look good, but your soil looks kinda wet. Do those cups/ pots have drain holes in them?


Let’s just do a support ticket so we have you covered with all the “facts” before we talk about nutes and watering and such so we don’t go in circles.

COPY/PASTE: This “Support Ticket” into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA

Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA

Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco?

System type?

PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?

What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS

Indoor or Outdoor

Light system, size?

Temps; Day, Night

Humidity; Day, Night

Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,

Co2; Yes, No

Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but short, to the point questions and facts will help us help you :smile:

Strain; ( ILGM Super Skunk) Type, Female

I had just misted the plants that’s why the soil looked wet
Soil in ( Fafard ) Organic potting soil in plastic cups for right now

Will transplant into Pro Mix HP & Growstone GS-1 w / Rhizo Force, Akos, ,Mykos ) 2 gal. pots when to ?

System type? N/A

PH of runoff or solution in reservoir? N/A

What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS 217

Indoor or Outdoor Indoor Indoor

Light system, size? T5 4 bulb 10,000 lumens 2ft x 4ft 24/7

Temps; Day, Night Day Temp 79 degrees

Night Temp N/A

Humidity; Day, Night controller keeps tent between 75% & 78% 24/7
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size Yes 90cfm inline exhaust fan out and intake, speed controller in a couple of days

grow tent in spare bedroom with a/c Humidifier, Dehumidifier w/ Ink-bird controller
no Co2

Those are fems they should probably go into 5 gallon container if possible.

Also what is the pH of the water you’re using?

Ph is 5.8
should I transplant them on the 13th when my 5 gal smart pots get here ?

I think they will be fine till the 13th.

Why the 5.8 pH is that a soil less medium?

yes it is a soiless medium, what should the ph be ?
When can I lower the RH to 60% ?
Should I worry about the first set of true leaves curling under like that ?

My dang smart phone won’t let me type soil less did it again… Lol

Cool on the 5.8 :+1::+1::+1:

Your cruising until the new pots get here!

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