Grow fam be careful of scams

Good morning everyone i just wanted to share this,its a scam fishing message. Looks like somewhere along the way someone hacked information and has details about shipments. I checked USPS website and theres no such issue. If i were to click on this it would redirect my package to whomever they are. So people plz beware and stay vigilant. Ive had packages stolen in shipment so i know the headache. Happy growing


I get a half-dozen emails like this each week. They do scams with the USPS, UPS, FedEx, and even DHL.


Yeah i get em also sir , i woke up.and half read this and almost clicked and gave them info. Glad i slowed down read it again and checked USPS and nothings off. Have a good day @MidwestGuy . Good to hear from ya,been a minute


Oh yea if it isnt from someone i know it goes straight to trash gota be careful these days​:+1::+1:


Man ill get so many of these messages in a week it isnt even funny.

I dont even open the text I just send it straight to the garbage.


Crazy thing is it was sent in a group text!?*&% :flushed: :thinking: thats what made me stop and think … hmmm this is weird,so i investigated and used common sense lmao. They say common sense isnt so common :person_facepalming:


I’ll get them, I just delete and report junk. Just a heads up you may want to black out your phone number.


My number is not up to black out,its there number but thx for looking out sir @Truetopath


I get these daily myself. They get so many people on this scam due to so many including myself order products online. Scammers are so elaborate with the scam it’s easy to fall for. Using logos from delivery companies. What a world we live in. You have to be on guard at all times


Yeah its wild, if id have entered my address they wouldve been able to intercept it.

Yep “special” cup of tea this morning, I’m not braining good :rofl:

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