So I’ve been refining this technique since grow 1 that’s based very loosely on Canucks growing method . This works for about 95% of autos , sometimes certain grow patterns put out less foliage and that can get mild nute burn and nitrogen toxicity because of that. The methodologies thinking is that it takes 2-3 weeks for dry amendments to be broken down so you need to be amending for the next stage while keeping microbe density high with simple carbs.
Week 0 medium combining 5 gallon fabric pots 50% coco coir 20%compost(preferably mushroom ) 30% perlite 4 Tbsp down to earth 444 and 2 Tbsp bloodmeal
OR 90-100% coco with week 2s dose and probiotic additives
Week 2 10 Tb 444 4 Tb each of 484 and bloodmeal
Week 5 if no pistil clusters 5 Tbsp 484
Week 0 of flower 12 Tbsp 484
Week 2 of flower 12 Tbsp 484
Week 4 of flower if you dont have any browning pistils 8 Tbsp 484
Water amendments Ph always 6.0
OPTIONAL once a week 1 ml of mr fulvic and 3/4 dose of nectar for the gods sample pack minus the Zeus juice (also 1 tsp of epson salt )
Once a week 1/2 tablespoon molasses and 1/2 teaspoon Epsom salt dissolved in the water
Soak your seeds in 1/2 cup of water with 1.5 tsp hydrogen pyroxide for 24 hours in darkness then plant in your pots one finger nail deep (even if they don’t have tails) I usually have 2-3 backups in solo cups to transplant in case any fail. Make sure your mediums are half saturated to guide the tap root down to start off.
Dome the seeds until they sprout without helmet head ( then remove dome) spraying their base 3 times twice a day until they are 1 week old. Then get them on their watering schedule, I start them on 1/2 gallon of water every 3 days until the pots start getting light (around week 5 usually) then it’s every 2 days from then out and sometimes even more occasionally. Be sure to water from the top because you are massaging the dry amendments in at the top the water pushes it down.
Lights I usually use a 260 xl at 32 inches at 35-40%of the knob increasing it to 50% at end of week 1 increasing it by about 5%every 3 days from then out and usually they grow perfectly up into the light so I never have to move it up or down . Basically if your leaves are praying or stretching then they want more light.
I personally only defoliate bottom leaves that receive no light . I also try to bend over and lst any girls that grow less naturally wide.
Your done once 10-30% of your buds trichs are amber , once your sugar leaves start developing amber trichs your usually about 2-3 weeks away
Make sure you have an indoor oscillating fan and good ducting style exhaust fan preferably connected to a carbon filter because dry amendments STINK. A humidifier is also something I run 24/7 but shoot for these numbers