Got some yellow leaves

5th plant Ive grown now. Having some issues with this one. Had an infestation of gnats right off the jump. Ive since transferred to newer (foxfarm) soil. Gnat problem went away. Now im on week 3 of flower and my leaves are showing a yellowish tint. Ph checks out 6.5 ,6.2 , 6.5. Did 3 tests to be sure. Using LEDs . Water with a cap of koolbloom every other day. This is BigBud

Heres the pics.

I always flush when I switch over from vegg to flower nutes. Koolbloom is a flowering booster to be used around week 5-6 of a 8 week flower time, that could be the problem. But also looks like a magnesium problem

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If you can, copy and paste this and fill it out. Thanks! 6pd

Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA:

Age from sprout:
Age from flower:

Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco?

How often do I water and how do I determine when to water:

PH and PPMs of runoff or solution in reservoir?

What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS.

Indoor or Outdoor:

Room size:

Light system, size, height from plants:

Temps; Day, Night:

Humidity; Day, Night:

Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size:

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier:

Co2; Yes, No:

Any other info you think is pertinent:

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I cant zoom , but are you checking for bugs?
You might have a pest problem… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Make sure to get at least a 60x zoom and check under leaves and in between leaf fingers… :wink:



sounds like Phosphorous toxicity,

why do u water/feed every other day.?

Yup. Checked underneath the leaves. Sure enough. Im assuming thats what the black dots are. Im assuming this plants is becoming useless?


I often sit in wonder at the eagle eye of @peachfuzz!


Some better info or pics will help determine course of action. Food grade de will take care of a lot.

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news… but somebody has to be the messenger…
@Dmullinax your baby girl isn’t useless…
You can spray with a 32oz of 3% hydrogen peroxide to 1 gallon of good ph’d water and fill a spray bottle and spray the plant down real good under your leaves and all in between right before lights out… and repeat for the next 6 days… should be able to get your baby’s to harvest…
You might have to do this a couple of times before you get to harvest… but at least you will harvest…
You could also pick up some (green cleaner) and apply according to the directions… I use it all the time for preventative maintenance… :wink:
And you can use it up to harvest without any bad effects… :wink:



Rubbing alcohol & water will kill the bugs & the eggs. Completely harmless to the plant. 4:1 water:alcohol. Treat several times a week for 2 weeks.

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Ok which do i run with? the peroxide or the rubbing alcohol?

The peroxide will basically drown the baddies with too much oxygen, if that makes sense.

The alcohol will dessicate the bugs/eggs.

2 methods, 2 modes of action.

The Diatomaceous earth mentioned above will cut the baddies, then dessicate them.

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What did they turn out to be, what method did you choose to treat

I went with the Alcohol. It never recovered. I ended up cutting my losses. Its the 1st plant I’ve lost . RIP :sob:

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