Thanks Mate Im starting on your journal, well getting ready to get back into it and get all caught up on yours
There’s a lot of different ways to train, HST LST really depends on what you are wanting to achieve. I mostly use LST and then once I flip to flower, depending on what kind of stretch I get I will also do light super crop to strengthen stems. Don’t hesitate to ask questions on my journal. If I can’t answer there’s several people who can.
Week 5 Finishing up, starting week 6, not much going on a lil yellowing i took a pic of a leaf that im sure is nitrogen deficiency, but let me know if im correct on my thinking, but anyways heres tge photos and hope you all had a wonderful New Years…
2 plants had ppms out in the 1400s and then tye rest were 1800ish ppms out, trichomes are all mostly clear still on all of tuem, im sure tyere all not gonna be ready at the same time and im sure i still got a couple more weeks before i want to start flushing, opinions on this please?
These are the seedlings that i almost fried under my blurple
And heres a pic of the girls in there home, also as you all can see i finally got some bamboo sticks to help support them , anyways let me know what you all think?
Looks good nice and green
Imho it’s the opposite. I’m seeing a slight nitrogen toxicity. And a little nuts burn.
I think this is hungry for potassium, let someone else chime in though, I’m not sure.
How’s your medium’s pH?
I apologise, I thought I had your journal set to follow, I’m getting caught up now
I was noticing the extreme green also. As tall as those girls are you will get some yellowing of the lower leaves, but I agree with @GreenJewels something may be off. Not sure what though.
That’s a cal mag issue leaf tips curling up always cal mag I’m my experiences
Are you saying too much cal mag ( with the nitrogen) That’s what I’m thinking. Plus a high calcium levels would lock out potassium.
Opposite tips curing with yellow is usually a cal mag deficency … I forget I’d its cal or mag that is the green fading and the tips curling is usually the opposite one
And nitrogen should’ve lowered at this point and PK raised
Maybe the medium’s pH is off. I see where he was giving 5ml/gal of cal mag. Looks like some clawing had been going on for a few weeks, when I looked back.
Might be an old symptom from before … when burns and curls happen they rarely look better in the future they just dont get worse
I was thinking cal mag as well, but i was really leaning towards the latter some of the plants soil out was 5.9 ph and the rest were around 6.2- 6.4ph, i stopped calmag about 3 weeks ago cause i didnt wanna give them anymore nittogen since the calmag is 2-0-0, if i should give them some on next feeding i will, do you think these girls are gonna get me to harvest im thinking next 3 weeks for a couple of the girls which means theyll be getting flushed around next week or so, or am i thinking to close ahead and these gurls got a long while left? @GreenJewels thanks for chiming in glad to have ya on board
They will , they really look great. Those are nice buds you have. Some look to have a few weeks more than the others. Keep a good eye on the hairs and trichs.
The amount of calcium they need starts tapering down about week 5 so they should be good for ya. The deficiency looks fairly minor. I’d try to get those low ph girls up close to 6.5 a bit more. I’m not sure how long in advance you flush? Some people’s flush regimen starts a couple weeks prior, some a week or few days. Have a great week
Going by the most recent pics u got some weeks left
What you thinking how long before i do a week flush? Just want your thoughts and anyone elses, this is my very very first time in flower and i need all the advice i can get, when the girls wake up i will get trich pics, well as best as i can anyhow, waiting on my other microscope that i plug into my phone or pc via usb
So Saturday the girls started week 7 and i think we are fetting close, im thinking of starting my 2 week flush now, what are you all thinking?
And here are some trich pics from them all:
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You got a lil while to go …almost all the pistils are still white you wanna cheek after majority of the hairs orange or darken up from white …about 70 to 80 % dark then start checking tricks you will have some ripen a lil before the rest this is normal from now to harvest time is when your buds will he plumping and putting on weight
I concur with the above