Got A Grow Going Y'all

Here ya go homie. Gotta run to work now. I’d love to just sit on here all day and learn. Man ILGM!

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More liquids id say

Okay so on monday i gave these girls half strength tiger bloom, and this is right before there watering tonight, i sent a couple pics of leaves that i feel are nute burn but can you tell me if thats true or not, now its week 3 just gave them cal mag phed water tonight, looking healthy in my opinion but could be wrong, whats you alls thoughts on garden, again this is my first real full all the way through till the end grow, next grow i will be training and mainlining and lst’ing, got a better feel of how they grow now, hope all is well with you all and that the season is bri ging joy to you all!!


@MattTheNoob I’m no plant health specialist by any means but to me they look good. I don’t see any nute burn. I did notice something going on with a couple of leaves, not sure what it is, looks like something I had going on most of my grow. Looking good and stacking up now. This is such a fun and frustrating learning experience :upside_down_face: . Grab ya something to stake them up with, most garden stores have bamboo garden stakes. The girls are about to start getting heavy. They still have a ways to go yet, enjoy the grow homie and Merry Christmas to ya if we don’t talk before then.

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So i have noticed that on some of the bud forming the oistil turn orange is this normal, i looked it up bit couldnt find a straight answer, if needed i can take pics of the parts that are turning orange, other then that they all look real healthy, and merry christmas to you all

A pic or two would definitely help brotha

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@zipty420 getting pics now will send when i get out the room

This was taken yesterday and these were just tooken now

Other bud spots of this plant dont have it or has it but real lightly

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@MattTheNoob looks like the pistols are turning. Try to only post one pic on a post like that from what I understand we can zoom better on a single pic. From what I can see now your good man. Pistols turn from white to dark orange/brown and a few other colors depending on strain. Their just showing you fall is on its way.

I got a couple of pics to zoom pretty good man. They look good. It is normal for the pistols to turn colors as they mature. Those are the first indicator that chop is coming. Most wait until they see 80-90% of pistols turned colors and start darkening up then start checking trichs. Dig around a little on here for ready to harvest posts and there will be bunches of pictures to confuse you like they do me lol. Clear trichs-no go, all cloudy trichs- zoomy/euphoric high, all amber trichs- sleep meds. Most shoot for a mix of cloudy, amber trichs, usually about 20% amber seems to be the average in my readings. That all depends on the effects your looking for. Oh and definitely check trichs on buds themselves not on sugar leaves sticking from buds, the leaves will mature faster. Hopefully I’m helping not confusing you. I’m still quite the newbie myself. I’m coming up on my first havest in about 10 days on a couple plants and I feel like the other two may have a touch longer. Here is a pic of the same thing you got going on.

trich pic shows cloudy im pretty sure lol. There is a cool app for ya phone called magnifier, it’s super sensitive so a steady hand helps, I also use a jewlers loupe to check stuff out.


I dunno those are barley outta strech shouldnt be darkenend pistils yet whats your humidity like

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@fano_man are you talking about Matt’s plants or mine brotha?

Yours @zipty420 them pistils should stay white for quite a while
Im sorry yours are done it was other person sorry

Yes @MattTheNoob his is in early flower ur tric checkin

@fano_man no worries man. Just trying to lead him in the right direction. You have a good eye sir, mine are in their flush now. Cutting two down next Friday (new year new bud) the other two are creeping in they may get another week or so.

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I wish these plant would reach out and smack us when we open the door to the grow and say “hey look here I’m ready!” LOL that would take the guesswork out of it. Those trichs are itty bitty and hard to tell if they are changing. I use a loupe and the magnifier app and its still rough lol


Thats whats seperates the good from great your plant jumped up and said hey im ready to me :wink: you learn to speak cannabis in time … Pay attention to detail and never say something you did once is law untill u do something 4 or 5 times same conditions you. Really begin to learn details you over looked once its funny to look back when i started to now i have a completly different thought process of growing

Heck I’m just trying to make it to the (good) lol great can wait. I definitely feel like I’m slowly getting a feel now especially at what I’m looking at. Still very unsure of deficiency issues showing on leaves but feeling my way through it with all y’all help, mucho appreciated by they way. I’m not even sure its law if you have done it exactly 5 or even more times, I have and sure you have seen everything under the sun done to these plants with success and failures lol. Oh and as far as details I really thought I did a good job with my personal journal on this grow, well right up until I was asked a question the other day lol. I was like “man I can’t believe I didn’t write that down”. The question was from way back at seedling about about I was watering. My habits definitely changed for the better all the way through this grow. I’ve always loved knowledge and its a good thing cause man I need to soak up all I can from all you guys and gals.

Read read read… Look at my profile click on my name look how much reading just on here ive done … Not to mention hours of u tube and then you get into the science behind why you should do what you should . i went to school for marine biology enviornmental science and chemistry …it helped seek out the right anwsers and questions to ask

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Made me wanna look at the numbers 50k posts ive created thats redicules

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