Gorilla glue autoflower seeds from Supreme

What’s going on all. I recently purchased 4 auto seeds from seed supreme and started germinating them 2 at a time (5 days apart). I used the same method for each of the seeds: 16 hours in water in dark, paper towel in plastic bag until tap roots were 1/4 of an inch. The first 2 seeds were placed in a soil about a week ago and look to be making good progress; both of them sprouted in nearly 24 hours. It’s been nearly 4 days since I put my 3rd and 4th seed in soil and I think I may have cooked them. Been using a 13W light bulb for germination and put it 6 inches from base, I decided to move it so that it’s 24 inches away now. The only differences I can think of is that with the seeds that have fucken sucked, I used about 40% perlite and 60% Happy frog. The first 2 seeds were given 20-25% perlite and 75-80% happy frog. The one tap root is pure brown and hasn’t gained any thickness or length. The other shitty seed has stayed above the soil for nearly 2 days now. I’ve attached pictures and am desperately hoping someone can address the issue! All love!

The bottom image is the one seed that hasn’t done shit. this has been the only time I’ve ever taken a seed out of soil, hoping it’s not an issue because it is yet to grow any root system


Howdy Matthew
Welcome to forum
What strain seeds are they?
Are you using the light bulb for warmth to germinate?
You don’t need light until seeds pop out of soil.


Welcome, top 2 look good, the little helmet head may need some help out. It looks stuck good :confused:
Looks like the last one popped and then rotted, it happens sometimes :man_shrugging:
But very very gently try to help that one out of the shell if it was me, i spread the shell with tweezers and then let it come off on its on if its stubborn. But I do try to help it crack open very gently :grin:


Gorilla glue autoflower

I’ve also been starting to thing that for the 2 seeds that I placed earlier, I believe that maybe the soil was a little too compact, thus preventing any root system

I was using the light to germinate. The temperature in my room is consistently 75 degrees throughout the day.

Just used pliers, could’ve cut it a little smoother , think I made a very small dent went cutting the shell. Please let me know how this looks!

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Hopefully that’s good.
Theres a thin membrane inside of seeds and it can get stuck also.
The shell is off so just watch for the membrane if its still there.
This can be tje hardest thing to deal with just because they are so small and delicate.

If the membrane is still atached and stopping it from opening up, a good dab of spit can help.
Our saliva is a good lubricant and the enzymes help soften the membrane…
Looks good toe though long as the membrane isn’t still wrapped around it :grin:

Stuck to it is ok, we just dont want it wrapped around so the leaves can’t open, but it doesn’t have to be completely removed if that makes sense.

No success so far