Outside plants entering flowering, leaves dying & falling off fast. Buds turning brown. Stunted growth. Soil ph 6.9 added some ph low and bone meal.
- What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed
- Method: Soil
- Vessels: flower garden
- PH of Water NA
- PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable use miracle grow liquid,
- Outdoor
- Light system NA
- Temps; Day low 90’s, Night 70’s
- Humidity; Day, Night 85
- Ventilation NA
- AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier, NA
- Co2; No
bud rot, P or k deficiency?
I’m guessing pH issue. I’m sorry to say this but I think she is a goner. Sorry.
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They went down fast. I think they are goners also?? It’s hard to give up on them.
My soil ph was 6.8 - 7 when I tested it a couple weeks ago, before adding ph low. Could it be the red clay soil about 8 inches down? Im just trying to learn from this situation.
Might be. Next time I would use fabric pots outside. To many variables in ground soil for me.
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Someone else may chime in but yes it doesn’t look good. You could cut out the dead stuff but there probably won’t be much left.
Yeah, they are gone with no return. Looks like a lot of swing between too dry and flooded to me. I’d would like for a plant that is more suitable for scorching heat next time and maybe keep it out of the far west sun.
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Thanks for your input. Love ur icon….familyman??
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Thanks. I try to provide new eye candy weekly.
I think they had bud rot early on, therefore I did not want to water to much. Which is what you said swing between too dry & to wet. Thanks for your input. I feel like you hit the nail on the head. Next yr some serious dirt reworking.
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