Go by Pistils or heads for harvesting?

Ok, so I have been harvesting when my tricombs are mostly cloudy and a touch of amber…. Iv been reading that when the pistils are all brown and receded into the Bud, that it’s over ripe and you have missed the harvest window??? How much truth is their to this? My one plant hasn’t thrown any new hairs in at least a week. And their all brown and pulled back into the bud…… I looked at a top with my microscope and theirs practically no amber, with mostly clear and cloudy…. The lowers are solid bugs but their almost completely cloudy yet…… she’s a sativa dominated hybrid and the breeder says she’s a 8-9 week finisher…. When lights turn on in morning I’ll take some pics under magnification…… she will be at 8 weeks in 2 days…. I have a lot of uva and far red going and Iv read that that speeds up flowering times by about 15% so idk


I’ve found that the color of trichomes and pistil color coincide with one another. This doesn’t mean you’ve missed the harvest window, just means you just about right.
I watch for 85% of the pistils turning brown, and receding.

Personally, this is good enough for me. Looks like you could go another couple weeks even. This depends on which which flower you checked this on. The lowers are always a little behind.
If you could upload some pictures in normal light we could guide you farther.
Happy growing! :seedling:


Lights on at 5am I’ll post pics of plants in morning but for now I took a top to show u guys under magnification….

Can you focus that up, looks like “clear/start of cloudy”, but hard to make 80% confidence call. If you wait until you get a few random ambers, the cloudy % is higher. And where did that bud come from, as others stated, lower on plant likely will lag.
Maybe its the Pic of Screen, your eyes may be telling you something better

Ya it’s the lcd messing with my camera…that was a top 6”lower than the top canopy….so a satellite bud

Can we see a pic of the whole plant?

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I’d say you’re right there. Just drop it when the trichomes look right to you

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