GMO Cookies autoflower plants having issues in ocean Forest soil

From a fellow grower: planted the remaining 5 seeds and they all sprouted however 4 of the tops have no leaves and I am not sure why. The 5th one looks like it should be fine. One of the others I originally started is just one single petal leaf as shown in pics. 2 others are just stunted and do not seem to be getting off to the best start. I have 6 that died off because it could not break out of the shell. I helped the shell off of a few others and I’m hoping that they will be able to grow.

I expect they are struggling from overwatering. Seedlings only have a tap root and should only be given a few ml of water per day. Let that soil dry out before watering again. Overwatering will cause damping off (root rot) and will cause them to struggle or fail to grow.


Yeah, overwatering would be my guess along with ocean forest being a very hot soil for seedlings.


Not the best medium for starts is true. I use rock wool or straight coco for my seedlings and like stated above not to overwater. The sprout actually collects all the water it needs through the leaves until a taproot is established. Putting a clear dome over it and misting the inside of the dome once or twice a day is all you need.


I always use Rock wool after they sprout in water. I also add GH RapidStart and Hydroguard from the start.
No worries about dampening off and has the nutrients needed for baby roots.