Girl scout cookie extreme auto first grow

That’s why I said to go to your local store. My local store has the EXACT same risers for under $3 each.

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Awsome, learning something new everyday :seedling:. Thanx for sharing.:+1::facepunch:

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Day 3 of hanging to dry…




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Made some bubble today with the leaves :ok_hand:




Same geno different pheno lol. Also have Trimmed just over 90 grams dry and haven’t even put a dent in the tent



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Still trimming. Currently at 274 grams dried and trimmed have maybe 3 trees left to trim might give em away lmao…



Freaking awsome. Congratulations it’s CELEBRATION TIME COME ON!!!

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I will take them :wink:

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@Thisguy352 awesome grow. Congratulations. I am waiting for my gsce auto seeds. Have you sampled it? How is it? And how much do you think you yielded per plant? Good job.

I have sampled it yes. It was very smooth at least the best 3 were. I got about 2 oz per plant out of 9 plants. There were actually 3 distinct phenos. Of the 9, 3 smelled friuty, 3 smelled like diesel (my favorite) and 3 smelled subtle like pine (least favorite). It is all great bud however the piney stuff im not a big fan of. Im searching for something that tastes more…idk…hashy?.. Lol i have ilgm super skunk autos in the mail and im starting another gsca run to use the last 10 seeds i have…

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I think i will keep this journal going thru the next run of gsca. Here they are, 2 days old. Only decided to run 6 this time. In 3 gal fabric pots with soil and dr earth 4-4-4. It got 3 tbsp per gallon of medium. Humidity and temp stay around 50% and 70-78°. Water gets pHed to between 6.0 and 6.5…currently waiting on some risers to bring the pots up off the ground.

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@Thisguy352 that’s interesting they had different distinct odors. I’ve only done 2 autos since I started in April and each one yielded just over 2oz. I think that’s the average for autos, at least within the constraints of my 32x32x63" tent but it’s sufficient for just me. I can get 2 plants max in there…I live in a home just about 809 sq ft so… The super skunk sounds mighty fine!

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Yeah 4-6oz out of a 3x3 sounds about like the avg for most of the autos. Theres a few higher yeilding ones like bruce banner auto id like to try soon that should yeild more. But i am excited for the super skunk! And hopeful that this run of gsca will turn out as nice…

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Like these? They are not auto though.


Yeah but autos lol…like these…

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This is what I’m growing right now…

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