It really is starting to fill out and they smell great. I also got my gsce autos during the 10 for 10 special. As far as germinating i had 100% germ rate. So far i germinated the 9 in my 4x4 and 3 weeks after the 4x4 i germinated 2 for a 3x3 that also popped and a big healthy plants. To germinate i put my seeds directly into a cup of water for exactly 24hrs. No longer no less. At 24hrs in a cup they go into small pots under the 2 cfls that light up my bathroom. I mist the soil once or twice a day lightly, until the sprouts break soil. From there ill generally give the sprouts a day or 2 max before transplant. I know with autos most go straight into the forever pot from germination but i havent had any stunting issues…
I think a lot of people want to continue germinating until they see a tap root and in my opinion thats too long sometimes. I generally don’t see tap roots before throwing them into soil. Its 24hrs in water for me then straight to soil reguardless. Then misting. A humidity dome would do great aswell…
Thanx Thisguy. Maybe I’ve been soaking too much 'cause I was soaking until they sprouted. I’ll give it a shot on my next batch.
No problem all, always glad to help. So im wondering now how long these gsce autos go for. Mine are going on week 8 soon and are steadily swelling. Im betting im looking at 9 or 10 weeks…
Looking AWSOME!!! Gonna be hard to improve on that.
Got plans for you encore after harvest?
Indeed lol. But there were a few things im thinking i can improve on. One being i would like to raise my plants off the ground. I have a bad habbit of watering to runoff that im trying to avoid but i do it almost every watering and dont like the girls sitting in standing water. Also i found recently that the dr earth has been slightly raising ph and i should have been watering with closer to 6.0 ph to balance it out instead of the 6.5 6.7 ive been using. The tent at the beginning of this grow had a minor light leak that has since been fixed. I also had issues fertilizing correct amounts due to different pot sizes that i didnt know exactly how much medium was there. So next time around i will order 3g fabric pots that way i know what im working with. I think next time i will lolipop the larf unlike this round i didnt do it this time because i read that pruning autos can stunt growth but im going to end up with so much larf id like to prune next go around. This strain was fun but im thinking of getting some quarter pounder seeds or northern light X big bug auto seeds from canuk for the next run. Not fully decided yet…
Wonderful, You have a plan and sounds like your next grow will be amazing. I think getting your plants elevated will help.
Beautiful. . . Gotta ask, how did you do the video?
You definitely have to raise your plants off of the ground. They will soak up leftover run off nutrients and the bottom of you pot will be full of salts and be ‘hot’. I’m growing in 20% soil and 40% coco 40% perlite. You want run off when growing in coco, they advise 10-15% run off to help rise out unused nutrients in the bottom of the pot. Here is a good read about PPM and run off.
Gro Pro NX Level Pot Elevator - 13"
Gro Pro Plant Saucer, 12-Inch, Black
That is a great option for keeping your plants out of run off water. I use a Stanley 4 Gallon Wet Dry Vacuum to suck up the run off water from the saucers.
I wouldn’t buy these things from amazon because my local hydroponic store carries them at a MUCH cheaper price. The Elevator’s were under $3 each at the local store, $10 on Amazon. Same for the saucers. Except for the shop vac… I can only find that one on Amazon, and all my Home Depot and Lowe’s carried inferior vac’s at a more expensive price, so I ordered from Amazon.
Check out my Organic grow I just started. Going to transplant into 5 Gal Vivosun fabric pots when I have about 3-5 nodes.
They are .gif files i created with the gallery app on my phone. With most andriods if you record a video, then go back thru your gallery and find it, you must select and begin viewing the video and youll see the “gif” option to make a short 5 or 10 sec series of photos…
I dont know if id go as far as to say that “you definitely have to raise you plants off the ground” as obviously it’s not a complete necessity. But we can agree that It helps… It really depends on the grow style, i use organics, not synthetics like your grow is set up for. The way i do it, i aim to have 0 runoff, and do achieve it 95% of the time. However i can see where using bottled nutes and watering to runoff with plants on the ground could cause salt buildup. Those Amazon pot raisers are convenient but im cheap and will probably build my own. I def can’t afford 100$ for 9 raisers lol