Girl scout cookie extreme auto first grow

FYI for $4 more you could buy 20 seeds and get 6 free ones, total of 26 seeds for $4 more than the ILGM price.

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Awesome thanks ive been searching for an alternative to ilgm for a variety of strains. I wonder if the purchase process is similar as the ease of using ilgm to pay thru my account and routing number is appealing to me…

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11 days old and doing great…

Bubble anyone? Lol

13 days from germination




Growin’ like a weed. :yum:

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Had the lights too high and they stretched a bit but i lowered the lights hopefully that will help

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Today i amended them all 3tbsp per gallon of medium (3 gal) so 9 tbsp of dr earth 4-4-4 and 3-9-4 at 25/75% ratio. And 4 tbsp per gal of medium of worm castings with kelp meal which was about 12tbsp per 3gal pot. They still get tap well water pHed to about 6.0 with 4ml calmag per gal of water…


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They came out nice again. I’ll be switching to photos and cloning i can’t stand having all different plants i need them all to be dank not just half of them. 3 came out harsh and piney 3 were very skunky and pungent…it’s a shame i couldn’t clone those 3 good ones


Been out of touch with community for a while. Harvest looks awesome. Likes it!!!

Use promix hp for soil and run with expert drain to waste feeding chart with flora nova series nutes you will never use anything else I promise

Use the flora nova expert drain to waste you wont have to ph water the nutrients bring the ph right where it needs to be I haven’t ph’d any water for about 4 years now lol no problems

And ditch the tent and use a bedroom you will thank me later best of luck to ya grow on