My girls are struggling.
I can see that there is some sort of deficiency but not sure where I’m going wrong.
I think they are strawberry kush or grand daddy purple.
See photo for light watts plus it’s about 3 feet from plants
Soil ph is 6.5
Temp is 31celcius or about 87f
Soil says dry however the pots feel heavy at the bottom. Top 3-4 inches feels dry and the bottom still feels damp??
Humidity is 40%
Water ph is 4.5
Ppm is 135
Ec is 272
Not an auto flower.
Please see photos for deficiency
Most of those are under watered. And need to be fed less.
You’re probably over doing it from when you first saw the yellowish leaves. I get it, but those leaves won’t recover, but the top growth is dark green. Too green. So I would back off the nutrients a bit.
Also, since your plant is in veg, you could raise the humidity a bit. 55-65% RH should be a good spot and not right on the lower edge of recommendation.
@PurpNGold74 I had leaves starting to do the light between the veins and then necrosis brown like that. Gave it cal-mag(full strength dose) with epsom salt (1tsp/gal) and a foliar spray(nightly) of cal-mag and noticed the leaves going back to normal the next morning. After the next watering you couldn’t even tell. I was thinking the same thing but I’m a new grower and can only speak to what I did. @Shanewise23 yeah it’s hard to tell with the soil, most growers on here with soil say to stick with the cannabis friendly brands. Not to say someone on here doesn’t have experience with the brand you’re using.
His deficiency actually looks more like a K (potassium) def then a mag now we are reaccessing. Yes i see the veins. Could be mag as well. But that points more to pH. N if 4.5 is the case, its the culprit. The calmag, epsom treatment would be next up tho. Good call
You are right, but I think deficiencies are not the issue, lock out is the issue. If the grower has a ph of 4.5 there may actually be an overload of nutrients that are not available to the plant. If we tell the novice grower that it is a deficiency it may incite the grower to add more food to correct the deficiency. I see this as a compounding error when a good flush and proper ph of solution is in order.
Of course I could be wrong, and I dont know how the OP is measuring the ph in and out.
Also, and not quite sure… but the bottom of your tent looks filthy and the pots look like they are on the floor with nothing to lift them… I have the same situation where the water goes all to the floor, hey it has a bottom liner for many reasons and I assumed it was one, but I wouldn’t think that it could be good for your girls to have any of the water off the floor being soaked into the pot. In the future, ditch plastic and go with fabric or the weird plastic ones that have cones forming out the sides (air pots?) and make sure they have some clearance off the floor. At any rate, @Shanewise23 Dial back the heat some I would think 87 is a little high for their current condition and that is way out of line for VPD
I really can’t imagine that the soil meter is worth it, just saying I haven’t seen any say it helps for accurate testing. If you want to test your soil, and you should considering the non-cannabis friendly brand, with a slurry test (look on youtube or search the forum). Your water measurements seem strange too 4.5 PH 135 PPM and an Ec 272. Maybe water where you are IS that acidic, but are you ADDING fertilizer then giving us those measurements? You should either do the slurry or at least a runoff measurement then give us the numbers for the water in/water out or what you find from the slurry test that should help determine if it is(n’t) lock-out. If your water is that acidic though, maybe try leaving it sit for a bit then test it again before putting in nutrients, retest, then add nutes. One more thing on the tests/measurements… you aren’t doing them all with just that meter in the soil right?
Yeah I stuck with trying the cal-mag epsom salt due to how much I was seeing that “it is difficult to OD them on Calcium and Magnesium”. Also my FFOF had ONLY gotten nutes at week 4.5 at 1/4 strength then in week 5 half strength. They got very slight tip burn and so I stuck with cal-mag at half strength every other feeding… then in week 8 the deficiency started so I ramped it up to full and adding the epsom salt and foliar spray. Just hit week 10 yesterday and gave 1/4 strength of the FF feeding schedule. @Shanewise23 That is another reason cannabis friendly soils are nice, maybe not available in your area and I hope they will soon, but they will help take away the need for adding in nutes to the feedings as much.