GH Florakleen to flush?

So I’m gonna order the FF trio that pretty much everyone talks about. And I’ve heard you have to flush using sledgehammer with it. But I was wondering if anyone has used the General Hydroponics Florakleen for flushing? Would it work as well as the sledgehammer for the FF trio? I really want to have quality buds and a good yield. I wanna make sure I dont have any salt build ups in my roots when I start and I also wanna make sure that its fully flushed before I pull them. So has anyone used the GH florakleen?

I’ve read on forum that florakleen is similar to Sledgehammer. Can’t guarantee it though. If you’re using FF nutrients you should flush, to get rid of those sslts.

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Yea, that’s the plan. But the florakleen is cheaper then the sledgehammer. So I was wondering if it would work the same with the ff trio. Or should I try some GH nutes? Are those any good? I’ve never heard anyone talk about them…

I use FF trio, and flush, but don’t add sledgehammer or anything. Just pH water.

Thanks @Zee I was thinking of trying that myself. But everyone else swears if you use the ff trio you need a flush. And they always say sledgehammer. That’s why I was wondering about the florakleen. Plus I dont think it could hurt to have, in case I did try to flush with just ph’d water and it didn’t work well enough. Or for whatever other reason. But honestly I’m still new so I just gotta get my own groove figured it out.

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Less expensive than FF and doesn’t actually require flushing. Florakleen is a good replacement for Sledgehammer.

If you haven’t bought nutes yet look at ‘Jack’s 3-2-1’ as it’s getting a lot of visibility as a great nutrient line.


I used to use florakleen. Worked great.


What is the cost difference between the two? Gh makes a flushing agent for their product and FF makes a flushing agent for their product! I would imagine they are different as their neuts are different, even if similar to mix vendors over a “few” dollars doesn’t make good sense to me.

Sledgehammer is like 25$ a bottle while the florakleen you can find for as little as 6$
@Myfriendis410 so if I got the GH nutes I wouldn’t necessarily need to flush? Of course if I gave it too much or something, but for the most part shouldn’t need it? And I’m about to check out the Jack’s 3-2-1 right now. Does it need to be flushed like the ff? Does the florakleen work with it just fine?
@Drinkslinger is there a reason why you dont now? Did you switch to sledgehammer? Lol.

On my last grow I was using FF nutrients and my ph in soil got to low and I was getting nutrient lockout. I flushed with Sledgehammer and things got right back on track. I can’t say that you absolutely have to flush with Sledgehammer or something similar but it don’t hurt either. @Myfriendis410 mentioned Jack’s, I’ve made the switch and couldn’t be happier. I’m using it with FF soil and since I started it I haven’t taken any runoff readings and the girls are loving it. You can use it with hydro, coco and soil. Here’s the last pic of Skywalker OG using Jack’s.


Beautiful. I saw a bundle pack of Jack’s that was like 135$. I need to look at more. I’m on a small budget, hence looking at the florakleen instead of sledgehammer and the ff trio nutes. But I still want quality products. Lol.

I’m not sure how many plants you are growing, but that $135 kit goes a long way. I haven’t done the math, but I have no doubt it will be economically a better choice than just about any nutrient line around. They have 3 parts, part A part B and Epsom salt. It’s dry nutrients and you only use 3.6 grams of part A , 2.4 grams of part B and 1.1 grams of Epsom salt per gallon. Another thing I consider important is my time. I can mix up enough for 4 plants in less than 10 minutes, water my girls and not have to worry about taking runoff readings.


I switched to Earth juice nutes a few years ago, which is essentially organic, so no flush needed. Now I’m doing the soil food web style growing so once again, no flush needed.

One can also just use a LOT of properly pH’d water to flush. It typically takes 3x-5x the container size worth of water to get the ppms down.


That makes sense. I wanna go all organic eventually when I have the money.

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@dbrn32 @Bogleg both use it and found it for very reasonable. That’s WAY too much to pay for it.

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That’s why I was leaning to the ff trio it’s only like 35$ for all 3. And then I was gonna get the florakleen for another 12.

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I did the math somewhere around here. $135 for the complete Jacks 3-2-1 bucket thingie? I do believe that is the going rate for the kit. But you can buy 25# bags of each individual component and get the cost to feed your grow down to $20/grow. Assuming you’ll grow long enough to go through all the 25# bags.


Yea, I was gonna look into more of their stuff. I figured I could get it cheaper for more single items. But i might start with the ff trio.

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I’m a hard-shopper and get most of my nutes for $1 gal. Got 5 gals of Calimagic for $5.59