Getting my pH meter today. What is good range for water & soil?

I have never focused on pH due to the fact I was having so much trouble getting the lights right. I think the lights are in a good place and want to do pH right. Never to late to start doing this right I hope.


Which meter did you get?

The ideal ph will vary a little with the type of media you’re growing in. For something like an amended organic soil +/- 6.5 is usually pretty good. If growing in coco coir this is usually about 5.8. You may be able to check recommendations on the product you have from manufacturer. Promix for instance has a YouTube series and i believe they recommend 5.8-6.2.


I am growing in Fox Farm Ocean Forest. I will have both a soil meter and a water meter. I’ll look for something from the manufacturer. Thanks

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Most of the probe type soil meters you can disregard as they aren’t very accurate. For a digital pen just make sure you are familiar with the units that are displayed.


In soil I shoot for 6.0-6.5 for seedlings/veg and 6.5-7.0(6.8 i find to be the sweet spot) for flowering.

I use FF happy frog and had 1 run with ocean forest. Wasnt my cup of tea tbh but many have great growing with it. Ocean forest has said to be a tad bit hot for seedlings tho. :v:

This is a reliable ph pen and fairly inexpensive. I never had good results with soil meters personally.


Soil growing can be challenging.
I have different soils for testing.
Soil slurry, feed water PH/PPM and run-off water PH/PPM/TDS.
Soil additives influence numbers too.
Good growing to you


My soil is “fresh and hot” similar to previously used FFOF grows.
Started higher, but adjusting, slowly, as a recordable research experience.
Other test subjects confirm work getting better.
Auto Flowers doing well, so far.
Most important lesson
Use calibrated meters only.
If you can’t calibrate it yourself, beware.
Lessons learned, I hope.
Best range should be 6.5/1100 or SWAG it

@Highgrow is there a reason you use that brand and not one of the cheaper 3 in 1s ? I see a lot of yall use that brand.

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When i first joined apera and blue lab pens were recommended because of how important it is to monitor the ph(if not growing organic)Was also told i could get by with a cheap tds pen but would be wise not to do so woth the PH pen. Doing some research into the companies they both make very good quality pens and are extremely reliable.

I got that one a couple years ago on sale for $40 and spent i th8nk $12 on the tds pen.

I did spend $120 on the apera pc60 which is a 5 in 1 but it was giving me the exact same readings for ph and the tds difference was so small. Ended up sending it back for a refund. Didnt see no point in soending that much if the $60 equipment i had was reading the same as the $120.

@Lostgirl recommends a cheaper ph and tds pen that is pretty accurate and several others use it as well. I think its around $20 but she can advise more on that.

Edit: @DEEPDIVERDAVE uses the one im talking bout. Its in the picture above in his post.


I appreciate the info. Im currently looking for a better meter. Im on my 3rd one, first one went all out of wack and would not calibrate. Second on bog chewed. This one wont stay calibrated. It will help me decide. :grin:


Anytime. The kit does come with the 4.0 and 7.0 solution but not a very big bottle. I bought some extra calibration solution along with a solution that helps maintain the probe. $24 bucks.

I do a recalibration every 3ish months or when i get some readings that seem way off. Thats only happened once tho.


Also, make sure to keep probe tip hydrated with storage solution. Otherwise the glass bulb will crack and fail.


Definitely shoulda mentioned that 2. Thanks @Myfriendis410 :call_me_hand:

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You get what you pay for with meters when it comes to something so crucial spend the extra money it’s worth it I stick with apera, groline/ hanna and bluelab but in my exp any meter that doesn’t come with calibration solution and instructions on how to take care of the probe isn’t worth the battery’s inside it!!


They make “Cleaning Solution” and “Storage Solution” Who knew?