Do you think think a soil ph meter will work for me? (Admin. We only allow links from Amazon, or Dealzer to be posted here at ILGM, Thanks)
my plant is less than a week old and is still a seedling
ive done some reading and read that it is best to start using nutrients/fertilizer once the plant is atleast a foot tall…
can someone reccomend a fertilizer mix that i can buy locally like at lowes or home depot…im from the USA…any suggestions…ok so i gotta make sure the ph of the nutrient solution is atleast 6.5? im just asking in advice…thanks
No on that PH meter you need a pen to test runoff there very cheap and ppm meter both are about 12.00 dollars amazon
For soil 5.5 to 6.5 Max thing is this before transplanting run a gallon of 5.0 ph distilled water check runoff and adjust like like to start my ladies in 5.5 and work up to 6.5
Any help i cam offer let me know
right now im growing a seed from a batch of reggie…gonna order some exotic seeds once i can get it to the veg state… i already ordered a 300w full spectrum led light. all i need is more knowlede on nutrients and watering schedule…little by little…im reading the grow bible, but still questions arise from time to time…thanks again Brian
That is a new brand soil tester. I recommend you try one out. You might need a PH pen in the future. You do not need to check run off unless you develop an issue. Then it can be helpful. I have probably never tested run off because, my grows do fine by following good grow practices.
Yeah good question @ktreez420. I’m still a little confused about when to check ph and when to correct ph in soil. I guess everybody has their own way of doing things (which is fine) but sometimes it gets conflicting.
Anybody growing in soil should pH their water/nutrients before giving to their plant. In hydro, I check my reservoir daily to make sure pH is correct.
I would personally check run off pH every time I water, but that’s just me. I wouldn’t want to wait for a problem to arise before fixing the pH, so I would check pH before watering, and pH from the runoff after. But again, that’s just me. I don’t grow in soil anymore.
I think even guys like @yoshi and @Brian091180 will check the pH BEFORE giving to their plants, but let’s see what they say!
Ph , ph , ph , ph always , ph water for plants a day before watering so most of the salt concentrate in the PH will dissolve before watering , now with nutrients I Ph also and I let it sit and settle for about 2-4 hours before feeding nutrients so again all settlements in water mixed nutrient feed can have time to disolve to help with salt build ups . Hope this Helps but to inform you , try catching as much as rain water as you can cause most rain water has great micro organisms benefits and its PH levels are most likely dead on due to weather control and cloud seeding to help agriculture out in the wild in each state . For example Tap water here is PH ah lil high alkalined to be drinkable , but the rain water I catch in a bucket PH’ed at 6.1 which is almost dead on in the ranges thriving plants like it to be , but always PH your water before giving it to plants and always flush your soil before planting anything in the right ph range seedlings need it to be to start growing , which in fact takes away problems mainly of causing ph swings , defiencies , and plant and root stress …hope this helps but again "Always PH’ed your water Always "!
Yes 100% there cheap and work great ive got a yellow one with ppm meter for $9.00 U.S.
And it is still working perfect that was Feb this year paid for itself many times now
Okay ill be late to the party sorry
Mix everything up as in nutrients then check ph and adjust to between 5.5-6.5 for soil
Then i check runoff first runoff works for me now what size pot are you using and how far along are your plants i ask becuase lots of factors make it hard to check runoff like soil type pot type and size also it takes alot of water for larger pots for me 3 gallon pot 1 gallon per water or feeding 3 to 4 days between
Hope this helps
Yes it does. Thanks!
My indoor setup is arriving day by day and I’m like a kid at Christmas with each delivery! So, that being said, I haven’t started my grow yet. I’m just trying to get all the info I can before I start. I have 15 WW autos left and 8 Strawberry Kush.
My plans are to start 4 of the WW in 3 gallon pots for the first grow. I have a 4x4x80" tent and two viparspectra 300w LED’s on the way. I guess my first couple grows will be in soil till I get the hang of it all!
i have a 10 day and a 3 day old seedling, both out doors They are both reggie seeds and are both in 8oz styrofoam cups. I want to have a little veg growth before i order some seeds. My lights came in today, but i still need a timer, and am waiting for my ph pen, fox farms trio, and foxfarms soil…
would 2 cubic ft bee enough soild for 2 2-3 gal pots?
Yes thst would work great but remember run a gallon of 5.0 or 5.5 ph water thur each pot check runoff and water lower or higher to get it between 5.5-6.5
I like my soil at first low then work it up over time