This is a strain I’ve been wanting to grow for quite a while. I wanted to start them last fall to make use of winter temperatures. But, I had quite a few clones to move through first. The end result was worth it. Some very nice purple haze set for a long cure.
Enough reminiscing.
Dropped four GDP on 12/31. All sprouted and grew nice tails. Yep - tails
I put them in a seed starter tray filled with coco and covered with a dome.
1/8 day 3. I lost one of the sprouts. I must have broke the tap root or something. So much for my plans of keeping a mother. Had not tried it so I thought it was time. Oh well, not now.
1/18 day 13
They are doing well under the Chilled Tech Mini. Not sure what is going on with the leaves on one of them.
It is time to move them to one gallon transplanters (highly recommend them). They have a couple full sets of leaves and good root growth - ready to move
I think I have been a little too conservative with serving up Jacks. They are a little on the pale side for my liking. So watered them in with 850 ppm at 5.8 ph.
1/24 day 19
I added a little Advanced Nutrients Mother Earth Tea to the Jacks. They have greened up nicely
Also, it was a little cool where I had them so decided to move them into the tent. They will get more light and they will be much warmer. Got to get their juices moving.
You know I like things that make things easier and thus more fun. I found these racks at Menards. It’s like they were made for my frames. I have great plans for them.
This pretty much brings you up to date. The real fun starts soon. Time to see if some of you want to joint in.
@Audiofreak @Arrow @Bulldognuts @BobbyDigital @Borderryan22 @BudzMS @Deepsix @DrWoo @Dr.ofSmokology @kellydans
I’ll have to do more in the next one