Some general questions for the next step going into Veg

[quote=“MagicCultivator420, post:12, topic:84062”]T
pH at 5.5,
That would be low and out to range for P and Mg. The pH I generally mix to 5.8 - 6.0. However, with my autopots I will go down to 5.7 knowing the pH will drift up and be 6.0 by the time I need to replenish the reservoir.
You must be using week 1 veg rates? Given the size & age I don’t think 600 is too heavy. Backing off a bit is OK as long as they are getting fed enough. Monitoring runoff will help with that.
I think these are useful reference charts

This is a link to my current journal to see what I have going. Only three plants
GDP to start the new year

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