Frowned upon by younger family

Here in Minnesota, growing Cannabis is now legal. “HOWEVER” It’s been illegal since laws were written and at 63 I have been growing for awhile and enjoying the hobby.

My 30 year old kid is a nurse and about to bring a kid into the world. Suddenly GRANDPA GROWS WEED is a problem.

I love my kid, but I love my hobby. Any advice from those “old guys” out there that may have this same problem?


I am almost in the same boat. Only exception is my daughter hasn’t asked, and I don’t tell. Grow room in the basement, door is locked. I don’t have them over right after harvest, smell is too strong.


The day my kids forget the path they are on is the 1 we started them down is the day they once again feel like 10 year olds. Do whatever you wish. Unless you are a failure or failed them, reteach them respect. We have 3. All grown. 2 military. 2 girls 1 boy. I listen. They wont dare insult or pretend that their life experience trumps ours.
All up to you as the parent but we are Texans and our culture nips that shit in the bud.
Just my thoughts.
P.S. If I dont say mam and sir my parents would tear me up even today.


It shouldn’t be approached until grandbaby is old enough to perceive the significance of growing. Especially in a “legal” state.


My older kids all know I grow and smoke weed. I was open with them and took the stigma off of it. Take it from the “it helps keep me more docile” angle and the benefit aspect and see if that changes the tune. It’s not like you’re going to have the grandbaby doing photo ops in the grow space.


I’m facing this same issue very soon. I started growing last year and invested in lots of equipment and supplies to do so. My oldest son is a newly wed for 2 years and they just bought a home. We (wife and me) fully expect news they are pregnant before long and we know growing at the house will be a problem when the first grandkid arrives. The wife will not allow growing weed in the house if it means no or few visits from the grandkid. My current grow, which is day 19 from sprout, may be my last for a while.


I have 6 kids and they all know I grow. I grow out doors on my patio. Most when they see my plants roll their eyes and say OH Dad!!! A few ask when it will be ready and can they have some. I grow for medicinal purposes.


I have grands as well and make it a point to keep my indulgence quiet around the kids. My grow room has a lock and I’ve taken steps to remove the stank from our living area. My own kids, now between the ages of 24 through 30 didn’t get the full version of me until I felt they’d been raised in a way that they had the best opportunity to make the best decisions for themselves as adults and not use my usage to justify their negative behavior when I had to be a mean dad and lay down the law lol. Sometimes love can be hypocritical but kids don’t know how to self regulate and pump their brakes before problems occur. Just my.02


We were “told” by the government that weed was the Gateway drug and the worst drug known to man (Reagan). This is the 100 year lie. I am not going to teach my young ones the lie. I am teaching them the truth. Cannabis is a plant and we all know the tomato argument. My 12 year old grandbaby does not call it mj. Another word created to fear monger the “white” folks back in the day. Instead I explain how it is a plant and has alot of useful purposes. She likes to peek in on what I have going on and likes to ask questions. Hell my 90 year old grandmother wanted to go to a dispo when she visited me right after the full legalization here in Denver.

My biggest come back on this issue is Alcohol and cigs. We all know these things kill millions, thousands daily but these are legal. It really is about common sense. Not even the law in my book. I am not following laws that are agenda driven or unjust period. Heck I did 15 years for Cannabis and would do so all over again.


My kids call it daddy’s back medicine. They find it quite boring. That’s all I ever call it around them.


Sorry that you’re dealing with this .
I do not have grand children but if I did my son would have to deal with it…
He has known I smoke and grow since he was in high school…
I’d just be upfront with your son and let him know that it won’t be in your grand kids face.
As a nurse I would think he would understand the medical aspects of cannabis…
I know I helps me…

Good luck with this situation
Happy growing.


I told my oldest who just left for the Navy a few months ago to get over it. I’m not gardening with him, I’m not giving him anything, and I’m not the cool dad that hangs with his friends. This is my medicine that would otherwise cost over a thousand bucks a month without it.


What is his MOS? If AT or AET he has a helpy helper out there. Son and his squadron just got kicked out of Top Gun. Shot down 65 or so Top Gun candidates. Aggressor squadron. Were told they proved their point and no longer needed there…ROFLMFAO :grin::grin::grin:. VF 144 from the Roosevelt. 9 months combat Red Sea. Son was Maintenance Chief.


I truly believe the drone hunts tweaked those pilots. They are friggin good.


For the record, in my case it is the daughter-in-law that is opposed to it. I don’t know if she knows I do. We didn’t advertise it in anyway, but my son knows. I have to assume she does and she will have a big say in it when the time comes. Nothing will come between Ms T-Ray and her first grand kid. Hopefully reason will prevail but I am prepared for either outcome. We have been married for 34 years.


36 here. Congrats. We are a dying breed.


Back at you @storm. Yessir - we are dinosaurs


How is it any different than if you brew your own beer or made your own wine? It sucks we still have to deal with a stigma…I’m 33 and nervous to tell my father I grow(legally might I add) if it was beer or wine no issue but weed for whatever reason is different. To me….i see no issue with children being around growing….smoking and ingestion is a different story. Good luck with your family….its all love :call_me_hand:t2:


It is a long derived narrative that will endure man. I don’t even talk about it socially outside of close friends and I only have a few of those. Definitely not outside my immediate family. If I have to choose between growing and my wife’s and my enjoying our first grandkid, it will be the latter. I’m already thinking about how I can go incognito and run silent. Time will tell.


Thanks all ya’ll.
That turned out to be a great question to post