So there was a heated debate on my shindig153 super soil grow thread over using worm casting tea to humidify the air for purpose of foliar feeding.
Any thoughts or experience using this method to foliar feed. I’m find the results speak for themselves. Also curious to see if anyone thinks there could be health implications using this method.
Bubblegum 1st 4 1/2 weeks old and Gold Leaf second 6 1/2 weeks old. Both are in 10 gallon fabric pots.
Anything the plant needs can be effectively fed through the roots. Leaves were meant for photosynthesis and heat regulation through perspiration. Anything put on the leaves could interfere with these important functions.
I personally don’t foliar feed unless I’m looking to correct a issue and want fast results
I agree with @WickedAle the plant will get everything it needs from the roots
Nothing wrong with foliar feeding occasionally
Is there any difference in having worm poop in your soil which ends up in your buds. I’m not spraying it directly on the plant just using the tea to humidify the air.
@Countryboyjvd1971 Do you feel like there is no benefit to the plant using this process? I’m getting better at growing but also want to test out different methods to continue the learning process. It’s obviously not hurting anything. @garrigan62 what are your thoughts here?
Vermicast (also called worm castings, worm humus, worm manure, or worm feces) is the end-product of the breakdown of organic matter by earthworms.[1] These castings have been shown to contain reduced levels of contaminants and a higher saturation of nutrients than the organic materials before vermicomposting.[2]
These nutrients are readily absorbable through the roots. Also the microbes contained within the WC would help with the absorption. I am not sure if there is much benefit to putting these into a humidifier as I do not believe thy will be transmitted to the air. Even if it does this water mist is not specifically transferred to the leaves but instead could be floating around your house. Again eww .
I have not heard of anyone using this method before
I think manually misting/feeding would be best since you can control where and what gets feed
Misting/ feeding with humidifier if the underside of the leaves get wet there will be little to no benefit when foliar feeding you want to apply to tops of leaves about 1 hour before lights on @shindig153
Thank you @Countryboyjvd1971@WickedAle for the Input. My exhaust goes outside so no contamination inside. I was trying to get more info as to the why or why not. I ran out of compost tea a while ago so probably will forgo it in the future.
I thought about trying this before. But I decided against it for 2 reasons. One I don’t want it to create a film over my entire grow room. 2 I think it will destroy the humidifier with build up over time. But aeroponics (or fogponics as some call it) uses a similar idea. But instead of open air (foliar) the plants root system are inside tubes and the mist with nutrients is pumped through the tubes.
Someone else can correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe that happens because of the semipermeable barrier in roots, which only allows certain molecules (or perhaps below a certain size?) through - that’s why you can’t feed your plants with raspberry Kool-Aid and have your buds taste like raspberries.
@TommyBahama roots absorb the nutrients and organic molecules and metabolize them. Just like drugs and human digestive systems some active molecules can be absorbed in their active form, but they are eventually metabolized in the plant.
That’s because nothing but water is being evaporated. The “tea” is just going to sit in a warm, humid environment and fester. Like @WickedAle said: Ewww.
If you need to humidify; humidify! If you need to feed, feed! But this is likely just a waste of space and your time. There are much more profitable ways to increase growth and yields. Clogging the stomata with foreign material is a good way to slow down the plant IMO. I would only consider a foliar feed for something specifically designed for it.